It's been a long time since there's been a
[SL]AM. Lets see if we can't drum up some interest for 1900 server time this Saturday!
I've seen some very light weight teams which can't quite get into the SL Brawl... so lets have teams in the 1000-1100 (featherweight) range as a priority... but we'll see what groupings of four we can come up with.
Come to compete for a SLAM bracelet... come to have fun.
(The [SL]AMs, for folks not familiar, are quick four team mini tournaments. The round is played immediately... and the second needs to be played within three days. This'll be a call to get one going on a schedule, but they can also be initiated when we have four willing coaches and an admin who can kick one off!)
And I'm not gonna call for a novice [SL]AM out of self interest... the
Old World Rookie Rumble has half a bracket for it's NEXT rumble, and that's restricted to teams who haven't yet played their first game. If there's sufficient call for it, we might even be able to launch a [SL]AM for non-virgin teams below 1000.