After your team is complete apply to this group.
The event will kick off when we have sixteen teams.
The first round is 14 days, and each subsequent round is 10 days, though try and get the played quicker please.
Teams created as compatible with the Secret League 2020 Open group may take part, only fourteen (14) more teams/coaches needed for the next tournament. Don't miss out, join today.
(Don't confuse the Royal Rookie Rumble (RRR) with the Old World Rookie Rumble (OWRR). Both Rumbles offer fun and excellent blood bowl. The RRR is for new Competitive division teams, and offers a cash prize and official tournament recognition on your profile if you win. The OWRR is for new Secret League teams, and offers intangible prestige and spiffy virtual trophies and ribbons... and while supplies last, I'm sending out printed stickers of the first place award to winners!)
Posted by razmus on 2023-03-09 22:24:16
Thank you folks -- Rumble launched. Next rumble starts when fourteen more teams/coaches sign up.