The agents and diplomats for the isle of El-Aljana have been fielding queries about granting visitation and work visas to, shall we call them 'younger' visitors. A class of Blood Bowl players who maybe pass a little differently than what has been seen on the island in the past. Once again, they turned to Bhenjamyn Sculkrak to organize these younger teams... bring them to the island... and get them playing something to entertain the masses.
And this shall be done.
The Isle of Misfit Teams: Next Generation is planning to start it's first tournament on 1 January 2023 just as quickly as we can pry Bhenjamyn's green rear out of his pallet and get some honest work from him. In the meantime, his agents are sailing far and wide to recruit orphaned Blood Bowl 2020 teams to come play. We especially invite former '145 Leagues and Tournaments' Blood Bowl 2020 teams to come play. We'll do what we can to help guide coaches into the larger Blood Bowl community.
Isle of Misfit Teams will be opening a branch for BB2020 teams starting on New Years Day!
Banner above is the link to the group. Button below is the link to the Discord.

Questions here or on the Discord.