A quick guide to where the games beyond C in gamefinder can be had.
(Guide best used by early November 2021. Guide packed by volume, not weight... some settling may occur during transport)
Coming into FUMBBL can't be daunting. There's a lot going on, but it takes a little work sometimes to get started... to get involved. Right now, folks create their first teams in the [C]ompetitive League, and toss'em into Gamefinder and have some fun games. Soon® we'll have the equivalent to the Black Box scheduler for [C] as well. How else can a coach get involved... how can games be found? First, if you aren't already -- take a look at the
FUMBBL Discord Server -- in addition to just the news about what's going on... there's a looking for game (lfg) channel, and channel specifically for leagues (more below!)
Open Play Environments

Right now, Royal Rookie Rumble (RRR) tournaments are starting at a regular clip. All new/rookie/zero game [C]ompetitive teams are eligible to play. Rawlf is posting regular updates in his blog as to the number of additional teams needed to start a tournament.

Both Secret League Open (SL16) and Secret League 2020 (SL20) are still active, and the same gamefinder used for the [C] teams works for Secret League. If you aren't finding a game you wanna play in C... spin up a team in one or both of the Secret League environments and toss them into the gamefinder at the same time. In addition, there's a whole channel in the
Secret League Discord for Matchmaking secret league teams.

In addition, both SL16 and SL20 have the Old World Rookie Rumble (OWRR) for new/rookie/zero game teams from each of those open environments. They run far less often than the RRR tournaments, but it has it's own section in the Secret League Discord where I occasionally mention how many more teams we need to start a new tournament. (But both tournaments are ALWAYS recruiting for new teams!)

Any SL16 is also eligible to participate in the Old World Brawls (OWB), which are smaller tournaments which are also always recruiting and start as quickly as we get eight eligible teams signed up for any particular TW bracket.
(OWBs for SL20 will begin when seasons are implemented.)
There's a multitude of leagues on FUMBBL. In general, watch the Forum and Blogs on the FUMBBL site for announcements from individual leagues recruiting or looking to fill slots. In addition, as I mentioned earlier, there is a channel on the FUMBBL Discord for leagues, AND many leagues have their own discord servers. Announcements will often be made on the Secret League Discord, folks in Americas timezones might want to join the
FLCA FUMBBL group and
FLCA Discord. Folks around the Australia/New Zealand/Oceania timezones might want to stop into the
Southern Waste Discord and see the array of leagues and tournaments they have going on... some of which might interest you. Some of my own smaller leagues are cohosted on the
FUMBBL Leagues Discord, which has a channel for recruiting as well.
All that said, here are some recruiting right now!

New to Blood Bowl, new to FUMBBL, or struggling to learn the basics -- the 145 Club has been an excellent place to get acclimated to this hobby we've adopted. It is almost always taking on new coaches into it's Open Round Robin tournaments.
And I believe this will be it's last season with the BB16 rules... I've heard the next season will be BB20!

[BB20] They're running their
recruiting forum thread now! Blood Bowl Coaches in the UK... this is the league for you. They're starting up fresh with BB2020 teams. Don't miss out.

[BB20] For folks in the Americas time zones -- NWBL is ALMOST finished season zero, and is recruiting ONE MORE COACH/TEAM for pre-season one.

[BB16] Another for the Americas time zones, they're just finishing up Season 38 and are recruiting for Season 39 now!

[SL20] Secret Leagues America 2020 (SLA20) operates in the SL20 open environment... allowing coaches to play up to four friendlies with other teams in the open environment before the season starts. New teams starting now, and the
recruiting thread is in the forums now! (Taking as many coaches/teams as are willing to play with us for a few months.)

[BB20] XXXL is about to switch to BB20 for their new season and organizes the current XXL tournaments with less custom rules and always based on specific Goblin teams. Currently the
RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE with Forest Goblins Rumble in the Jungle but future events based on a Goblin Cheaters and Necromantic Goblins are already in the works.

[SL16] The Secret Isle of Misfit Teams took a season off because we dropped below critical mass. If we wrangle enough experienced teams in the SL16 open environment who are looking for a home for at least a season, we'll start up again. Come chat with us in our channels in the FUMBBL Leagues Discord (link above.)
None of these work for you?
Or you got something else going on? Mention it here (or let me know either in PM or DM on Discord) in the next week or so, and I'll link it in here. Again... this blog has an expiration -- the environment is changing all the time.
But if you don't see what you want to play here -- watch the blogs and the forums! The Forest Goblins just started their own tournament in the last week and were searching high and low for just ONE more coach (which I believe they found.) There was (or is) an Edmonton Franchise team in the
Canadian Blood Bowl League looking for a coach. As I prepare this blog, I see a draft league looking for a coach, and I think a French language league looking for coach(es)
(my French comprehension isn't what it was fifty years ago.). Hopefully this helps someone find what they need to have just a little MORE fun on FUMBBL, and isn't that what this is all about?