Posted by kozak on 2021-10-09 14:33:16
I agree with a lot of points stated by Java!
Posted by C0ddlefish on 2021-10-09 17:00:55
I'm not one to disagree with better coaches than me. Everything above makes sense for my League Snotlings.
I do tend to leave/put more Snots in tacklezones on offense if it means typing up a blitz threat. That might also explain why theys suffered 59 CAS against in their first 9 games
Posted by Malmir on 2021-10-09 17:28:27
Nice write up - think the only one I disagreed with was point 10. I tended to receive and try and annihilate the opposition as plan A.
Posted by Java on 2021-10-09 19:12:35
See that's why people didn't activate in box when malmir is around :)
I maintain that FOR ME and coaches in my situation (trying to get to grips with the team) it's best to kick, but probably once you actually know what you're doing you could do better by hitting first.
Posted by Joost on 2021-10-09 20:39:39
Nice one Java. As not perhaps a Snotling expert but maybe more of a connaisseur (they are an acquired taste after all), I would agree with most of this. Some thoughts that I would add:
re point 2: I believe that bombers are great, even if only for the threat they are and adjustments they force on the opponent's play style.
re point 3: couldn't agree more. I think a stilt snotling is great for carrying because of M6 and making dodges harder, but other than that I think you're better off with normal snotlings due to the 'cheap linemen' rule and the awesome mobility. (I know Malmir uses them really well btw. I simply haven't been able to replicate it).
re point 5: The carts need Break Tackle, but once they have that I think they can be used to great effect with Stand Firm and Juggernaut. Secret Weapon is a massive pain though. Bribes (and fortunate bribe rolls) are essential because of it of course (as you mentioned).
re point 8: this is very true. However, I believe there is something on top of that to keep an eye on, or even try to manipulate: some coaches underestimate snotlings and their mobility and will leave the ball carrier unsupported behind a line. This means you can sometimes sneak in 3 snotling assists by dodging through the line, and then a 2d snotling blitz! 2 assists and a 1d can even be worth it, depending on carrier skills. I cannot think of greater BB joy than pulling this stunt off!
Re point 10: Receiving has the added benefit that you have considerable control of when to score, which can help with secret weapon management.
And I'll add my point 11: snotlings can be very powerful but need top focus (at least from me) to have their strengths leveraged and their weaknesses minimised. Even then, every so often there will be a game where things simply go south quickly. Because of that, for me there is not much sense in playing them tired, or while in a bad mood already. Given current work load, that's why I'm for the time being mostly sticking to Ogres.
Posted by Java on 2021-10-09 20:46:07
see my evil genius at work? praise them to lure them in to share their secrets!
Do you want BT on the wagons to dodge on a 3+ in the new rules? or is it a bb16 related comment?
couldn't agree more on point 11
Posted by Joost on 2021-10-09 20:53:12
Dammit! I fell for it! the problem, as always, is my vanity....
And to your point: BT is not as fantastic anymore. But I think a 3+ dodge away from being marked is still a solid enough threat that your opponent will have to account for it. I don't want all the bigs simply marked and therefore not seen as a threat anymore.
Posted by Java on 2021-10-12 19:49:55
fxiii seems to be enjoying snots as well
Posted by mister__joshua on 2021-10-14 00:13:07
I find 3) interesting. I’m playing snots in a tabletop league and I’ve been considering getting rid of the hoppers and runners and just taking normal snots. They have more mobility and zero TV.
I didn’t know about 2 or 4 not causing turnovers. I’ve not been playing it that way. Is that even if the player injures themselves? What about if they knock over a ball carrier?