Posted by mrt1212 on 2014-11-15 04:22:36
Is this typical for German humor?
Posted by groovynelo on 2014-11-15 04:26:05
Speechless. Just... wow. You've clearly been touched deeply by Rabe's earlier post. Perhaps in a disturbing way? Good read, though.
Posted by Rabe on 2014-11-15 04:26:41
Good question. I'll eagerly check for answers!
Posted by Cavetroll on 2014-11-15 05:27:49
Weeeeiiiiiirrrrrd :) And I was under the impression that Germans were born without a sense of humor.
Posted by Lorebass on 2014-11-15 05:44:26
your impression was apparently correct sir
Posted by Wreckage on 2014-11-15 06:56:44
Ok.. so... I gonna do another one.
Family > Friends > Happyness > Career > Vacation > Blood Bowl > Other
Question 1
You didn't have a break from your job for a while and you finally get some free weekend to go to another city and participate in a major Blood Bowl tournament. At the evening before it happens you are in this bar and this guy keeps bothering you. You are not into guys at all but he invites you to couple of beers what you can't say no to. He tells you that he is really unhappy with his sexual life. Eventually he shows you his wallet and you notice he has the same last name as you. As it turns out he is a third grade cousin of yours!
Do you:
a) Tell him to meet up later again and go to bed to get ready for the tournament the next day.
b) Meet up with one of your buddies later the evening to prepare for the tournament.
c) Focus on your own happyness and do whatever you are in the mood for this evening.
d) Have sex with the guy from the bar to help him deal with his problems.
Question 2
You're at the bank to debit some money from your account. Some guys in masks storm the building and demand that everybody goes on the ground. Your leg hurts a bit and you don't feel particularly comfortable about getting on the ground. From the shouting you recognize the voice of your work colleague Tobias. You did drink some beer with him but don't particularly care for him.
Do you:
a) Try to help Tobias to steal the money.
b) Sit on the ground and wait for it to be over.
c) Try to escape and get help.
d) Don't make your life more miserable than it has to be, hold on to your happyness and just stand there at the risk of being shot down.
f) Try to get a gun and shoot the bank robbers.
g) Try to get a gun and shoot everyone in the bank. Then get your debit.
Question 3
Your brother is a forensic analyst in Miami who has a habit of catching criminals at night and outside of the law. Then he wraps them in plastic, kills them, chops them into pieces, puts them in plastic bags and throws them into the sea. You are not previously aware of this until you accidentially step in his apparentment at an incriminating moment. The corpse is almost disposed but a toe is left. Then you notice that there is a second person, a woman still wrapped in plastic and still alive.
However, to your misfortune your younger sister is also on the way up and you realise that you don't have any pockets and ways to dispose of the toe because plastic is wrapped around everywhere.
Do you:
a) Eat the toe before your sister comes up.
b) Call the police.
c) Do nothing.
d) Scream very loudly.
e) Try to help the person wrapped in plastic.
Q1 - Correct answer: d) of course.
The interest of the guy from the bar has to stand back behind most of your personal needs. However, since he is as it turns out a distant cousin, he is family and therefore should take priority.
Q2 - correct answer: d)
Helping Tobias with the bank robbery seems like the intuitive choice, however he is not really your friend. In this case you have to priorise your happyness. Since you have pain in your legs and can't sit down it is the most reasonable course of action to stand at some only arbitrary risk to be shot. After all you can't live all your life in fear. All other answers do not really make sense.
Q3 - Correct answer: c)
In this case you have two equally valid interests standing against each other. Family vs family, brother vs sister. Nobody takes priority here, both are equally important. This is in an eternal family matter and should be treated as such, therefore you should not hide the toe from your sister but discuss the situation appropratly with both of your siblings without taking sides. The right initial course of action therefore is to do nothing.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2014-11-15 10:41:37
I'm surprised this was rated so low, I found it highly amusing and thus gave it a 6
Posted by mister__joshua on 2014-11-15 10:42:21
Oh, and I answered each question correctly. Do I win something?
Posted by Calcium on 2014-11-15 11:31:51
Don't give up the day job
Posted by CW on 2014-11-15 14:38:27
How would the answer to these questions change if the priorities were set more in line with reality for most of us?
1. Sex
2. Blood Bowl
Posted by pythrr on 2014-11-15 19:56:18
and this is how poland was invaded.
Posted by Wreckage on 2014-11-15 23:06:05
Actually have been trying to figure out what agitates some people about this so much as I was going all roflcopter on this. Best explanation I could come up with was that maybe with the priority system I was tapping into some actual value system there and ridiculing it didn't come off positive.
Sry guys, didn't want to disrespect your religion. People do talk a lot about prioritising their lives, it just seems hard to imagine that anyone actually thinks something by it.
If that is really the explanation for the strange responses it makes me kinda wonder what other strange ideologies are out there that we can't see on the surface.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2014-11-16 09:24:03
Heh I thought it was awesome!