(All links are up to date now.)
Download BetterFumbblExperience.xpi (Firefox):
Download betterfumbblexperience.js (not Firefox):
Download manifest.json (additional for Chrome):
V 1.01 8|11|15
Google Chrome test spawns alert when not Chrome fixed.
V 1.02 8|11|15
Improved Feature: Changed display all commented matches out of the last 30 to display all commented matches out of the 100 most recent matches.
v 1.021 8|11|15
'Display Commented' setup panel shows now '100 matches' instead of '1ß0 matches' in the description.
v 1.1 8|12|15
Activation Scheduler doesn't display teams in Firefox fixed.
Ping doesn't trigger properly fixed.
Broken gradient in Google Chrome fixed.
Forum url modifier still doesn't work in chrome but doesn't spawn error anymore.
v 1.11 8|13|15
Fixed Underworld and Chaos Pact icons in rankings section.
Fixed Underworld and Chaos Pact icons in team creation section.
Added Utf-8 symbol conversion to clock symbol on Activation Scheduler.
v 1.12 8|13|15
Added alternate clock symbol for Chrome users.
v 1.131 8|13|15
Added extension support for accessing Fumbbl from poor URL addresses like instead of
Fixed developer 'here' message and removed style experiments with the chat window.
v 1.132 8|14|15
Still some issues with the chat window...
v. 1.133 8|15|15
-removed blue empty top of gamefinder chatbox
-added a select all button into the message menu
v. 2.0 8|18|15
1. removed Dom mutation event from gamefinder
2. changed all innerHTML tags to remove node/ addnode createText
3. rewrote every single HTML element in former innerHTML code with a createElement function
4. changed the XPI creator from Aranitus to JPM. Unfortunatly also JPM gives out an alarm notice when uploaded to firefox. If this is grounds to reject my extension I'm at my wits end.
5. externalized all set timeout functions and wrote them in the recommend fashion: setTimeout(function(){foo()},time);
6. disabled all eval from the text highlighter / url modifier functions since it was irrelevant for firefox anyways
7. got a test account for approved (They do really not like multiaccounting)
8. rewrote the teammatch fetchers in a way they won't spawn synchronus call info (although I highly doubt thats better for the enduser since the pageload wasnt really affected by it to begin with and now it just takes quite a bit longer)
9. rewrote the current date and time fetcher to load asynchronusly at the beginning of box page load
10. made the box activation timer no longer call the current date function and instead fetch the date itself
11. changed version number
v. 2.1 8|20|15
1. Wrapped everything into a function.
2. Put some variables back into larger function scope.
3. Handled a scenario where Firefox would not be able to handle a negative setTimeout timer (oddly worked in Greasemonkey).
4. Properly documented Click All Messages button in all documentation files, changed it's style into a nice green and massively improved performance handling by making it switch between true and false instead of performing click actions.
5. Added a BFE version check that displays a button-link in the coachpage headline when outdated.
If you encounter problems with another browser first thing you can probably do is to shut the feature off that is causing it. Everything else should be still working fine.
Installation Instructions:
Simply download the latest version again and install it. The new file will replace the old one.
Bugs please report here:
Upcoming next update:
- Coach Page Chat Interface
- Possibly Opera Support