I guess I'll jump on the bandwagon and also offer services in exchange for money.
Mind you I'd usually do this stuff for free but you can significantly bump up the schedule.
I'll be only doing one thing at a time. So as soon as somebody picks something I won't be doing anything else.
Please donate the following amount to Fumbbl so that Christer can replace his old pal server Borak.
BetterFumbblExperience Support Features
15€ - Implement Chat into main page on Fumbble using
15€ - Add Opera Support to BFE.
10€ - Make URL editing work in Chrome
20€ - Add BB-Code buttons to the blog/teampage (similar to those buttons on the forum).
100€ - Make me pay 30€ to Google Chrome to get a Developer Account so that I can offer the Google Chrome Extension without warning on startup.
5-100€ Make your own personal custom made feature request and I'll add it to the extension (or give it just to you).
+5€ extra - make your feature exclusive and let nobody have it but you.
League Support Features
5-100€ If you are a League Administrator you may be interested in a custom made League support feature.
Maybe you want to set up a special format or count scores in a special way that usually isn't possible. Maybe you want to display special tables that aren't supported by Shraags scripts. Get in touch with me and I'll design your custom made League protocol for you (still FF or Chrome required, or you provide me with a server to set your stuff up).
1000 Losses Playbook
20€ Make me release the second version within the next 15 days.
10€ Make me cover a topic of your choosing in the book extensively.
You want me to design a team page for you or you need me to change some page unrelated to Fumbbl for you, just get in touch with me and I'll see what I can do. (Note that I can't/won't design graphics and only use stuff that already exists or is easy to code.)