Season I of ARR draws to a close tonight at midnight server time. Awards will be sorted soonish after that, but the tide waits for no man and so a mere femtosecond after midnight tonight we set sail for uncharted waters in an unprecedented event: ARR Season II: Here Be Dragons!
But that’s not all folks! With the launch of Season II We’ARR kicking of an inconceivably unprecedented follow up: A six season long contest of super sprints with actual physical prize at the end of it! Read on dear pirate, or whomever is reading this out loud to our more illiterate brethren.
H’ARRs how it works. Any captain who completes a sprint of 16 games with EACH of the 8 ARR races will complete a super sprint and be given one golden ticket (there will be a badge for this), If you sprint twice with each race then you’d get two tickets, etc. Each ticket gives you a chance to win and at the end of six seasons, that’s
<Narrator: “There is a brief pause here while a diligent counting of fingers and peg legs ensues”>
26 fortnights, or in lubber terms “one year” from February 1st 2014 to February 1st 2015, we make the draw and see which captain will plunder the most glorious booty imaginable:
An actual set of FUMMBL dice (including d6, d8 and poker chip) from the Kickstarter, shipped right to your own ship!* Plus 10,000 golden doubloons!**
The fine print: A sprint is defined as 16 consecutive games completed in one season, so playing 10 games in season II and 6 more games in season III isn’t going to count. Basically, you need to earn one legit SprintARR badge for each of the 8 races sometime over the course of the next year. Got it? Then gentlepirates: start your oldfangled wind engines!***
*Ship not included.
** Golden doubloons also not included.
*** Remember: This starts at 00:00:01 server time Feb 1st.