I have been slowly working on filling the (ranked) grid for the past year or two: only offering games that would give me a grid spot and accepting almost any game that will give me one. While working on this a while back I noticed that I have played a large mix of teams in both R and B - splitting my games almost evenly between the two divisions. I realized that I had reached "Legend" status in the combined R/B rankings with about half the races without trying to, and was close with a bunch more.
One of the races that I had not was goblins. This made me think of the
Dhaktokh Effect and chuckle a bit, as I am 0/2/4 with gobbos (17%!) and it seems I quite suck at them. But then I had an idea: What if I could somehow become a legend (combined) with EVERY race but tank my overall CR by playing gobbos last? It is clear that the way CR works yours will improve if you win a lot and go down with loses. Even improving my gobbo CR would drop my overall CR like a rock, and we know this thanks to Dhaktokh, Strider84, Jokaero, Stonetroll and numerous coaches who clearly have been playing stunties for a while (and you can tell exactly where by looking at their graph). Some like Stimme and Azure and cdassak and others continue to play them long-term while mixing better teams in (up and down and up and down). If you want a good time, go look at those graphs and see if you can't spot some likely places where stunties were played. :D
Back on topic: While filling the ranked grid I have been playing teams only until I
reached legend status (combined) with them and then I shelve them. I have played a bunch of the same teams in the box until the same condition is met, and I have not competed my goal: "Legend" with every race overall EXCEPT gobbos. Of course this is a silly goal, and if you look it's quite undeserved: I have have only a handful of games with some teams, but hey - rankings are what they are.
In any case, now is the time! Here is my pledge: I'm going to play ONLY gobbos until I totally burn out (at least 100 games if it takes that long) or reach legend with them. Only gobbos aside from leagues and a few tournament entries, which may or may not be gobbos depending on if I think they could get in. And the ranked goboos will take ANY GAME that will help them fill a grid spot. If you see my gobbos on GF you can offer them any team or PM me a team that is "out of range" and I'll take it if it gives me a grid spot.
What is the point of all this? To showcase how silly CR is. Sure it's great for measuring recent success - but it doesn't measure your skill as a coach. And it does a good job of what it is intended to do, which is to predict likely outcomes based on recent success. However, it does a much worse job if you are playing a wide range of teams, or only on one extreme (very good teams or very bad teams). If I can become a legend with every race and yet drop overall into the 150s and perhaps end up a rising star then we can all have a good laugh. Also, I'll be aiming for a bigger drop that the Full Dhaktokh (23+ points I think?). Maybe I will lose enough that I can never get to legend with gobbos - because if you play enough games with stunties it can be hard to climb out. For example,
Zed is a "Star" with flings. A Star! But with some luck, maybe I can do this.
In ranked I have formed a team of
previously Punished Monkeys. Have they been punished enough? We shall see!
In the box I will be
Mostly ARRmless in no time at all, I am sure. I might also throw
Sarsgaard into a brawl if time allows.
And, of course, other teams may be needed! In any case, I'm just happy I no longer have to play any CP or CD... I had left them for last and they were taking a long time!
For the record, I'm currently at:
177.42, 73%, #8 overall.
145.97, 17% with gobbos overall (0/2/4).
177.94, 73% Ranked / 170.2, 73% Box.
Where will I end up playing nothing but gobbos? Post your guess below! [/shameless self-promotion]