The_Provocateur challenged me to a title match. This up and coming whipper snapper had the #2 CR, and I had the #1. He informed me in no uncertain terms that I had no chance to survive and hinted at the fact that I should "make my time". I tried to setup the bomb, but it turns out that someone had already set us up the_prov: as it turns out that
I am a pushover! No wonder he wanted to play me. Though there was that one game that I won where he had to retire his team. So by that metric I am still ahead. ;)
Anyway, our fantastic vamps vs slann
game was filled with intrigue and subterfuge. I hucked it long and caught it in 3 TZs, and he chained a ma 8 vamp to surf the ball so, our respective skills were clearly displayed for all to see. :D
Congrats prov!
The moral is: play people who are fun and fun times will be had!
The corollary moral is: Someone kill those vamps!