All you need to do is agree to meet a panel of like-minded coaches on
IRC tonight at 8 PM Eastern (that's Tuesday at 0200 bbtime) to chat about dirty tricks cards! You'll have a seat on the coaches couch where PurpleChest will direct a discussion about dirty tricks cards, and then edit it into the upcoming issue of the
GLN. It might last 60-90 minutes.
A few of you may have noticed that up to 90 minutes is a few minutes longer than you were lead to believe. To that I respond: There are lies, damn lies, and dirty tricks!
The panel is experience heavy already, so ideally we'd get a newer coach's perspective. Looking for one more person, any other interest I will put down to be alternates. Can I get rookie (or rookie at heart) coach to say yes!?
P.S. You know what button to click to really help FUMBBL in just one minute. Hint: It's up above! ;)