Tonight at 20:00 bbtime:
(no logo for a two major winning
team? You nub!)
Fleetfoot is the favorite with well coached, statfreak (one turning blitzer!?), mutated orcs so we don't need to rate it, but put a 6 if you think it will be a fun game to watch!
On the metagaming front: Fleetfoot had readied with 13 men giving me an easy choice of buying a lino and getting two babes and a wiz. After the 2Mil marker they took the chance to buy a 14th man, giving me a very hard choice with 12 men and 370K difference: Keep the plan but with 50K left over for... a card? Change a babe to something else? Or... take Eldril and a wiz? Whatever will I do!?
Find out at 20:00 tonight!