Posted by Harad on 2016-02-02 18:56:41
I used to take on the blitzes then experienced the quad skulls like in your game.
Now I try to carefully weigh the situation:
Are the spp more valuable to me on other players than the score?
How much does winning this game matter (within the spectrum of things mattering on Fumbbl at all :))
Do I have the opportunity to injure opposition players which will so dramatically improve my odds in the next drive that it is worth it?
Posted by Wreckage on 2016-02-02 19:03:10
Fist part would probably be better suited for the comment section of your match.
Not quite as spectacular as yours but once I blocked one of PeteW's Witch Elves in turn 8 of a major after having used my RR. Just to make a point that PeteW isn't always lucky. And rolled a double skull of course.
As for the 1/1296, don't worry about it, just take it. Producing CAS is also relevant for winning the game and you have to put that into perspective. Set up for 3d blocks when you can. And be very of using... as in this case... frenzies... if you wanna be save.
Posted by Rbthma on 2016-02-02 19:13:05
Depends on the score & opponent. If the score will guarantee the win I don't chance it, but if you're down and kicking next half you might want to try and remove a player to give yourself a chance at a defensive TD. I would always try and setup a 3D block/blitz if possible though.
Posted by pythrr on 2016-02-02 19:24:21
depends on how important the win is
if its a tornament i score
if it's a league game that i need to win, i score
if its a random B game, i go for more cas
Posted by JackassRampant on 2016-02-02 19:50:50
I'll take a 3d hit with a RR: 1 in 46,656 is just not scary (I've seen it happen, but still). in a random R or B game I'll take a 2d hit with a RR, but not in a league game unless it's the second half and I'm already ahead on points. No RR, I just score.
Posted by JackassRampant on 2016-02-02 19:52:38
The above all assumes Block (or at least Wrestle) and Mighty Blow. No Block, no block. No MB, no block.
Posted by jdm on 2016-02-02 20:16:42
Thanks guys, useful points in the comments and seems like everyone is in consensus. Even pythrr, which is somewhat of a shocker
Posted by DeZigma on 2016-02-02 21:42:09
You didnt gave him a lot of blocks, so he might be frustrated and wanted to use all of his blitzes at least... guess vs AV7 its fair lethal takeout chance...
Posted by NerdBird on 2016-02-02 22:12:41
I have learned if it is mrt1212, you block him. He will PO on your KO's and try and kill all your menz!
Anyone else, it depends on the game. Even in tourneys there are situations where the odds may dictate for you try for the cas before scoring.
Posted by tussock on 2016-02-03 02:43:31
Team start turn 8.
Player starts a Move Action.
Player scores a touchdown.
Every time.
Posted by Lorebass on 2016-02-03 08:30:23
Try blitzing with a troll: RS=6 ->skullskullskull -> RR loner=6 -> skullskullskull -> KO for the entire game!
Stuff happens!
Posted by gansus on 2016-02-04 19:37:30
When im in that situation and the score we are speaking about is the game changing one (the one that means the tie or the victory, not the one that just makes me 2 ahead or whatever), i simply do the blitz if i have block and opponent is easy to put down and/or injury and the points are important for that player AND i have an rr.
Im some REALLY tight or important matches i have just forced myself not to blitz, and sometimes i have done that if opponent had been severely hit, too.
But really thinking the 4 skulls can arise is really thinking of the almost impossible thing to happen, and that way one would simply not play... Anyway, i try to get 3 dice for those ones when i can, which is most times.