I Worship Neil has reached legend status after 79 games.
They say slow and steady wins the race and that has been the case with Neil. He's been surrounded by goblins who have pulled off some remarkable plays but he's content with getting a cas in most games and calling it a day.
He started strong as neilwat (his sponsor) had made some very useful skill picks and he's just got better since then. Truly a troll anyone would be proud to have on their team. Frenzy at legend should be lots of fun too.
I Worship Neil is my 6th legend, behind his deceased team-mate
Fanky McWinner,
Springor Hophop (goblin pogo), two goblin trolls
Big Un and
Other Un and
Richard Feynore, an ogre.
If you want to have one of your players achieve the immortality of I Worship Neil you can sponsor a goblin on my team for 5 EUR. Post in
this thread and get involved. 7 days left!