Exactly four years ago, a band of ogre scientists founded the
Large Ogre CollidARRs, a team of ogres determined to push the boundaries of science, taste and decency, all while having 0 rostered rerolls.
An auspicious start saw the ogres beat a rookie dwarf team in their
very first game but the wins have been intermittent since then.
Wins vs dwarves, ogres, dark elves, undead (x2), chaos (x2), halfling, goblin (x2), pro elf, khemri, slann, chaos dwarf and chaos pact.
Recent triumphs have included
beating legend coach Santo's Chaos team 2-0 and
beating the immortal smallkosp 3-0.
Game 100 was the usual mess of boneheads, hope and disaster. But above all, great fun. It's hard to take things too seriously when you're playing zero reroll ogres. And we got a draw!
Current ogres:
Werner Heisenbonehead - Block, Tackle, +ST, Guard. The anvil.
Roland Eötvögre - 19 games, 2 cas. The layabout
J. Robert Ogrenheimer - Block, +ST, Break Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm. The hammer.
Paul Ograc - Block, Guard. The cornerstone.
Richard Feynogre - Block, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm, Grab, Juggernaut. My first and only ogre legend but he's taken some knocks on the way, niggled and -ma. The legacy.
Yoichirogre Nambu - Block, Juggernaut, Guard. The workhorse.
David Bohmhead - a new recruit runt punter who brings a new dimension to the creative ways we have of disposing of snotling. Has leader and +ma. The stabiliser.
Some people say 7 ogres is cheating. I point them to our one victory since hiring him.
Stats for those who care:
Races played vs:
Chaos (10%)
Lizardmen, Human, Goblin, Nurgle (7% each)
Orc (6%)
Skaven, Underworld (5%)
Necromantic, Undead, Chaos Pact, Pro Elves, Slann (4% each)
Dark Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Chaos Dwarf (3% each)
Dwarf, Ogre, Norse (2% each)
Amazon, Halfling, Khemri (1% each)
SPP for LOC:
Max: 29 vs
Arale's Green Losers.
Games with 20 or more spp scored: 10
Games with 0spp (other than MVP): 5
Average SPP per game: 12.71
SPP for opposing team
Max: 38 vs
doclystria's Fragilissimae Lightweights.
Games with 30 or more spp scored: 5
Games with 20 or more spp scored: 38
Games with 0spp (other than MVP): 0 (3 games, vs dwarves, goblin and chaos, saw these teams only cause 1 cas)
Average SPP per game: 18.23
Results spread (LOC score first):
0-0 5%
1-1 10%
2-2 3%
0-1 10%
0-2 16%
0-3 10%
0-5 6%
1-2 19%
1-3 2%
1-4 3%
2-3 1%
1-0 6%
2-0 2%
2-1 5%
3-0 1%
3-1 1%