Okerlund: Alright, by virtue of playing in the Black Box, we have a brand new raft of Black Box Champions. As the press look on, at this time to present the titles belts to our new champions, our president, the distinguished jdmickleburgh.
jdmickleburgh: Congratulations, coaches, on becoming the undisputed racial champions of the Black Box.
Flair: Let me just say, after carrying the belt that proclaimed me the real world champion, I’m gonna tell you all, with a tear IN MY EYE, this is the greatest moment in my life. When you walk around in this life and you tell everybody you’re number one, the only way you get to stay number one, is to be number one. And this is the ONLY.. title.. in the blood bowl world that makes you number one. When you are the king of the B.. OX, you rule the world, Think about it like that, Mr Perfect..., The Brain, Whoooo!.
Heenan: Let’s give a big one, Whooooooooooo! You did it. I was never so impressed with anything I saw in all my life, he went out there for over 16 games, never took a back step. Took it to Skaven, took it to the Nurgle, took it to whoever got on that pitch, that’s why he is, and you can call him now, the real Black Box Champion.
Mr. Perfect: Hey Bobby, We’re not the kind of guys to say we told you so, but we.. told you so.
Okerlund: Okay, very good. Ric Flair, you have made Black… Put that cigarette out. You have made Black Box history here tonight.
Flair: This is the greatest moment in my life. I wanna jump, I wanna party, but I gotta tell you like this, for the elves and the dwarves, and the rats and the goblins, now it’s Ric Flair and you all pay homage to the man, Whoooo! I love it. I love it. I love it!
Name the promo, win a (no) prize!
Another season has come to a close. Much earth has been churned, blood has been spilt, bones have been crunched and quits have been raged. Let's let the dust settle and try to make some sense of what's left behind.
NB: results are compiled using real sprint data, meaning at least one team playing has to be >1400TV for the result to count
AMAZON CHAMPION: Women's Institute, coached by Harad, with a sprint of 7/7/2
#1 CONTENDER: Hell Grannies, coached by kfoged, with a sprint of 7/5/4 (
last season's champs)
THIRD PLACE: Punching Hags, coached by box newcomer Ramchop, with a sprint of 4/3/9
CHAOS CHAMPION: Rash, coached by jean-michel, with a sprint of 15/1/0 (
successful defence of title)
#1 CONTENDER: Klappe die zweite, coached by Ignaz, with a sprint of 10/4/2
THIRD PLACE: Minä Olen Myyrä, coached by Stonetroll, with a sprint of 10/2/4
CHAOS DWARF CHAMPION: Straight Outta' Compton, coached by Throwreck, with a sprint of 10/0/3 (
last season's #1 contender)
#1 CONTENDER: Take Me On, coached by Minor_G, with a sprint of 5/7/4
THIRD PLACE: Lammer Heretics, coached by pythrr, with a sprint of 7/2/5
CHAOS PACT CHAMPION: smallkosp, coached by smallman, with a sprint of 11/2/3 (
successful defence of title)
#1 CONTENDER: one time please, coached by Kimahr1, with a sprint of 6/3/7
THIRD PLACE: RAW Trade, coached by nThatch, with a sprint of 4/3/5 (
also third place last season)
DARK ELF CHAMPION: Dark City Steelers, coached by Hovring, with a sprint of 5/1/1
#1 CONTENDER: Woeful Wonders, coached by tmoila, with a sprint of 4/0/5
THIRD PLACE: Bell River Crazies, coached by Kharon, with a sprint of 3/1/6
DWARF CHAMPION: Sunday League Specials, coached by flashman1234, with a sprint of 8/6/2
#1 CONTENDER: Zufbar Hammerers, coached by proff70, with a sprint of 8/2/6 (
last season's champs)
THIRD PLACE: Stone Age!, coached by Shinsasa, with a sprint of 5/4/2
ELF CHAMPION: Rain Wild, coached by Timetis, with a sprint of 9/2/5 (
successful defence of title)
#1 CONTENDER: Crash Test Elfies, coached by Triton, with a sprint of 5/5/6
THIRD PLACE: Elusive, coached by Harad, with a sprint of 6/2/1
GOBLIN CHAMPION: I Gigietti, coached by dirold, with a sprint of 5/5/6 (
successful defence of title)
#1 CONTENDER: Nuffle Rewards the Cunning, coached by cdassak, with a sprint of 3/4/5
THIRD PLACE: FancySetter, coached by Uedder, with a sprint of 3/5/2
HALFLING CHAMPION: Casualties R Us, coached by tussock, with a sprint of 0/0/6
#1 CONTENDER: Left My Heart In San Francisco, coached by Zed, with a sprint of 1/0/0 (yes,
that Left My Heart in San Francisco
THIRD PLACE: Sneaky Snackers BBL, coached by mrt1212, with a sprint of 0/1/2 (
also third last season, when they scored 0/0/2, so well done mrt1212 for picking up that draw)
HIGH ELF CHAMPION: Nuevo ricos, coached by okostomi, with a sprint of 11/3/2
#1 CONTENDER: vapourlecomplot, coached by azyx, with a sprint of 9/0/7 (
third place last season)
THIRD PLACE: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, coached by JellyBelly, with a sprint of 5/3/6
HUMAN CHAMPION: Humains du Barthas, coached by tykoonfranky, with a sprint of 8/3/5 (
last season's #1 contender)
#1 CONTENDER: Challenged Contenders, coached by Timetis, with a sprint of 8/2/6
THIRD PLACE: Cathay Cobras, coached by Balle2000, with a sprint of 8/1/7
KHEMRI CHAMPION: Sand Creepers, coached by bujke, with a sprint of 8/5/3
#1 CONTENDER: Happy Mummy Day, coached by Harad, with a sprint of 8/2/1
THIRD PLACE: Oran Scorpions, coached by Suppurax, with a sprint of 5/4/5
LIZARDMEN CHAMPION: Les_C_Mignons, coached by bourbane, with a sprint of 11/1/4
#1 CONTENDER: Non-furry Animals, coached by Joost, with a sprint of 5/2/6
THIRD PLACE: Opération Espadon, coached by tykoonfranky, with a sprint of 5/3/2
NECROMANTIC CHAMPION: Claw in - Claw out, coached by HarpoHarvesterOfSorrow, with a sprint of 13/1/2
#1 CONTENDER: ReGeneration Game, coached by m0gw41, with a sprint of 12/2/2
THIRD PLACE: Curse of the Holy Grail Rabbit, coached by ImpactedAnimal, with a sprint of 11/3/2
NORSE CHAMPION: Agdar Hrafners, coached by bujke, with a sprint of 11/2/3 (
third place last season)
#1 CONTENDER: Hammerite Heaven, coached by bujke, with a sprint of 9/3/4
THIRD PLACE: Saltbeards of Vanaheim, coached by ianuk77, with a sprint of 6/6/3
NURGLE CHAMPION: Knights of Swampdom, coached by Quarion8, with a sprint of 9/4/3
#1 CONTENDER: FearNest, coached by Cinithii, with a sprint of 5/4/7
THIRD PLACE: Long Haul Trucking, coached by Amon242, with a sprint of 4/2/8
Ogre sprints are like snotlings, quantity over quality
OGRE CHAMPION: Stonehorn Butchers, coached by Sableheart, with a sprint of 1/5/10
#1 CONTENDER: Jumbo Franks and Weenies BBL, coached by mrt1212, with a sprint of 1/1/3 (
last season's #1 contender)
THIRD PLACE: Big Frenzied Giants, coached by ImpactedAnimal, with a sprint of 0/1/6
ORC CHAMPION: Special Orc Services, coached by Stonetroll, with a sprint of 10/3/3
#1 CONTENDER: Last Waaaaaagh Warriors, coached by ImpactedAnimal, with a sprint of 9/4/3
THIRD PLACE: Shadow of Mordor, coached by Steakhachez, with a sprint of 9/3/0
SKAVEN CHAMPION: Weasel Foundation, coached by Paul_Dieron, with a sprint of 6/2/3
#1 CONTENDER: Care Bears for the Fluff, coached by Hollaender, with a sprint of 4/3/7 (
winning the always the bridesmaid, never the bride award, as they were #1 contenders to a different team last season)
THIRD PLACE: Western RATS of Analysis, coached by Quarion8, with a sprint of 5/2/1
SLANN CHAMPION: Ranaldinhos Superstar team, coached by Nestoroide, with a sprint of 8/2/6 (
last season's #1 contenders claim the top title!)
#1 CONTENDER: Tzunki's Hoppers, coached by MattDakka, with a sprint of 5/3/4 (
third palce last season)
THIRD PLACE: Panchi frogs, coached by Nestoroide, with a sprint of 2/2/2
UNDEAD CHAMPION: Undeadicace, coached by BiBi, with a sprint of 9/3/3
#1 CONTENDER: Super Power House, coached by Mr_Foxx, with a sprint of 8/4/4
THIRD PLACE: Hero Association, coached by Castleman, with a sprint of 8/4/4
UNDERWORLD CHAMPION: UndARR the RadAAR, coached by cdassak, with a sprint of 9/5/2
#1 CONTENDER: Toxic Prowlers, coached by Triton, with a sprint of 7/3/6
THIRD PLACE: Florescent Jumpsuits, coached by keggiemckill, with a sprint of 4/4/7 (
dropping from top position last season)
VAMPIRE CHAMPION: Vumpires, coached by Harad, with a sprint of 8/2/5
#1 CONTENDER: Red Bats, coached by MattDakka, with a sprint of 7/4/5 (
last season's champs)
THIRD PLACE: New Vamps on the Blood, coached by kingvan, with a sprint of 6/2/3
WOOD ELF CHAMPION: Mzmzmzmzmzmzmz, coached by bancobat, with a sprint of 9/2/5 (
new entry to topspot but coached by same coach as last season's champs)
#1 CONTENDER: Luckville Dodgers, coached by Rawlf, with a sprint of 8/0/3 (
#1 contenders last season too)
THIRD PLACE: [BB] Back in the Saddle, coached by Oventa, with a sprint of 7/1/0
Break It Down
Firstly, compiling the awards really revealed the range and depth of coaches and teams played we have in the box at the moment. Seeing some coaches who won the title last season with one race fail to show in the top three this season, but instead present elsewhere in a different title picture is a good thing imo.
Three coaches managed to defend their titles from last season with the same team: jean-michel (chaos), smallman (pact) and dirold (goblins) while bancobat (wood elves) and Nestoroide (slann) claimed top spots with different teams.
However this was truly the season of the Harad with two titles (amazons and vampires), #1 contenders with khemri and third with elves. Fantastic achievement sir, well done.
Every race aside from Dark Elves, Halflings and Skaven managed completed sprints this season. So if you're looking to get started with some box action, and have your eyes set on a shiny award, that might be a good place to look.
Thanks for reading and thanks for playing box. See you in the scheduler (as soon as I find the time)
Don't forget to check out the
latest ARR wrapup post by ArrestedDevelopment. ARR: the box leader in box metagroups featuring certain underplayed races. With nautical themes.