Posted by PurpleChest on 2019-06-24 16:59:16
As a bonus, my own entry for Squirrel Bearer:
Squirrel Bearer: 5236 Dodge, Stunty, Two Heads, Squirrel. A (P,G,S) 50K
Special Skill 'Squirrel'. the squirrel as well as distracting opponents giving the Fling the Two Heads Skill allows this Halfling to wake froma KO on 2+ as the Squirrel ferrets around the Sleeping Halfling looking for Nuts, and occasionally finding some.
No right Stuff as Trees hate Squirrels and will not pick 'infested' Flings up.
Posted by ben_awesome on 2019-06-24 21:07:20
Very much enjoyed this podcast on the way home today
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2019-06-25 05:47:45
AG6 is OP. End of discussion.
Without those 3 nasty agility boosts and about 5 rolls without reroll, those welfs wouldn't have been able to bullshit their way out of this one.
I need to kill your ag6 catcher. It's urgent.
Posted by mister__joshua on 2019-06-25 10:23:45
I read it as: "What's that tickling your ear? Ooooh, it's PC's testicles" to which I though "Oh, not again!"
Posted by Wozzaa on 2019-06-25 10:44:21
Mighty fine podcasting fellas. Rated 6!
Posted by garyt1 on 2019-06-26 19:47:05
Excellent podcast! Good discussion on new players, attitudes to luck, and of course the squirrel.