Posted by erased000047 on 2021-06-03 21:16:50
any guess when 2020 is being instated on fumbbl?
Posted by Sigmar1 on 2021-06-04 04:19:18
No hurry though...I'm fine with Fumbbl just the way it is. Sure, I'll adapt when the site updates, but, yeah, take your time.
Posted by grant85 on 2021-06-05 15:42:09
another great ep! thanks for the fun listen. Nothing more funny to me on my way to work commute than hearing you say "winky face" 40 times in a row lol Also very interesting, but not surprising at all, that the UK say beta differently than we do in Canada. you guys say BEE-ta? we say Bea-ta. bit of a MINotaur vs MINEotaur situation lol. we have fun ;)
Posted by Riotmaker on 2021-06-07 00:12:27
I'm personally new to Fumbbl, I have been listening to the podcast for a while now, at least a year or more. I really enjoy listening to you guys while i'm driving at work or on the way home i'll play an old podcast just to have something to listen to, keep up the great work guys!