Posted by PurpleChest on 2019-07-23 23:40:07
So do pop into Discord and chat, but also site PM's work, as do blog comments and comments on reddit/soundcloud/star-wishing/facebook/patreon/Ouija Board.*
We always welcome feedback and ideas, and we are looking for experts at all sorts of races to come chat in depth about the race they love the mostest. Note NOT moistest, keep your filthy cos play habits to yourself.
And thanks to all that listen and take part. We hope to have more free stuff to bribe you with soon.
* Some mild exaggeration may be in use.
Posted by ben_awesome on 2019-07-25 21:19:42
hey, sorry to lose you @morehouse. I have no idea for the reason but I enjoyed listening to the 3 of you.
At PC and Throweck, please keep giving the great content even with a man down. I know love it.