Posted by erased000047 on 2019-11-21 19:37:20
really? of all the people to have on your pod cast you have someone who alot of people, myself included, don't like? Really?
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 19:44:16
Exactly the reason you should listen to it. Have to be honest, that has to be one of the worst comments I've read in a long while.
I'd be interested as to know why you don't like him. I get that you perhaps don't like smallkosp but you can't argue that he hasn't brought anything to box since the trophy started.
We all have our quirks right? Like playing too much and falling asleep during games?
Don't throw stones in glass houses my friend.
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2019-11-21 19:52:40
Havent listen to the pod yet, I just find it funny that I did send a voicemail about Smallman to the pod just this morning lol. And no, it wasnt anything bad about him either.... :)
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 19:55:16
This is the thing...smallman has become, with good reason, a villain.
However, he gave his free time to produce something for the community.
PC and I look at FUMBBL from all angles. Fine, if you want to say stuff about other coaches, go for it. But you need to be prepared to have yourself called on stuff too.
Posted by Bloodfeast on 2019-11-21 20:02:13
I agree with that, and I have no issues with him, neither good or bad, and the few people I dont like, I just stay away from. But I guess you have listened to my voicemail and know what it was about, and if someone did the same on me, that would be really nice :)
Posted by PurpleChest on 2019-11-21 20:04:17
Behind ever caricature is a human.
Beyond every keyboard is a person.
Every villain has their reasons.
you may not find them reasonable though.
Posted by Timetis on 2019-11-21 20:04:53
Things are hardly ever black and white. Haven't listened to the podcast yet, but from what I've seen smallman's been playing loads of throphy games.
I think it shows character to show up on the podcast, knowing how a a lot of people see you as the villain here, hats off:)
Btw, i feel the mr man has a soft spot for the throphy; in my last match versus smalkosp smallman elected to score early (instead of stalling for a tie, which he was totally capable of). I got the feeling it was because of my playing with a throphy team. i.e.; not pushing for the best result over everything else.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 20:05:09
@Bloodfeast - I listened to it this morning!
Posted by AiThebuffycat on 2019-11-21 21:05:49
ill have to give this one a listen soon, aught to be interesting!
Posted by fidius on 2019-11-21 21:48:10
The question I listened for, but didn't hear asked, is: Do you care at all for the Fumbbl community? He confirmed that he cares not at all to learn about the personal lives of strangers -- that's you and me by the way. Close? I suspect the answer is: "Yes, to the extent that it increases my odds to get games." But it would be interesting to hear it from him.
Posted by cdassak on 2019-11-21 21:54:46
Hats off to PC and Throweck, this really is looking at FUMBBL from all angles and without any tabboos. To smallman too for having the guts to do it. Very interested to listen to it.
Posted by erased000047 on 2019-11-21 21:57:55
I'm not going to address your comment to me in public throweck. I suppose I should not have said anything as I figured I would get shot back at, I will PM you.
cheers. -SS
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 22:02:33
No problem, perhaps be careful what you yourself say in public :)
Posted by FRSHMN on 2019-11-21 22:27:09
Looking at fumbbl from all angles... heavily going against a critical comment...
That doesn't accompany well with each other. Confirms me not to listen to your podcast.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 22:38:13
The comment isn’t about the podcast FRSHMN but against a coach. Slight but important difference.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 22:58:20
But granted FRSHMN, i possibly came in too harshly.
However, I still think people deserve chances. Many other coaches have had chances. Why should smallman not have one too?
Posted by lanky316 on 2019-11-21 23:01:18
I'd like to extend my thanks to smallman for taking the time to give you guys an interview. I have no real opinion on him as a person and he rightfully wouldn't care if I did so. He's a bit of a panto villain and seems a good egg and is a good coach. That's about all that matters really, never mind how quiet he is in games that's his choice.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 23:12:14
I posted this in discord.
For me it’s about accepting that people come to FUMBBL for many different reasons. Just because a play style isn’t what we would use/do doesn’t make it wrong/bad. It’s just...different. After talking to him I feel he has a ‘stigma’ that he is going to struggle to shake. That’s evident in the blog and it’s rating. People deserve chances.
Posted by FRSHMN on 2019-11-21 23:12:20
Yes, it is about a coach. A controversial coach. One that was invited by you to do a public podcast and who accepted to take the stage. That makes the coach and any argument about him an argument about your podcast. No raisins picking here, please.
Not sure what different context you see in the clipped part, but okay. Everybody can look into your original post.
Important is that there are some coaches - not too few, I suppose - on Fumbbl that think like the first commentator. And it is valid to announce that your choice of guest is poor - in their view.
If you want the publicity, you gotta stand the publicity. No raisins picking here as well.
I won't go any further into this as I think I made my point. As me, you are free to disagree.
Posted by TheGngrNoob on 2019-11-21 23:14:26
He beat up my Halflings (but who hasn't) but seemed a nice enough chap
I shall listen to it in the morning
(Also, I have added a link to the Podcast on my Blog because PC told me off)
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 23:19:49
FRSHMN - yeah, I take that. I knew this podcast would divide opinion.
I still stand by the fact that it could have been done in a better way. Myself included.
Posted by FRSHMN on 2019-11-21 23:26:06
Not deleting your own comments after they have been adressed and possibly falsified is definitely one way to do better ;-)
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 23:27:49
That was just bad timing as it didn't really make sense :D
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-21 23:28:42
In terms of falsifying, admins can't change blog posts. Only delete them...just to be clear ;)
Posted by FinnDiesel on 2019-11-21 23:59:07
Great segment on Chaos Pact!
Posted by Relezite on 2019-11-22 02:39:58
With no dog in this I thought it would be fair to say I played smallman in a late round of this Fumbbl Cup. He took a critical fluke injury early and a blitz in the second half and lost with grace to a single die roll.
Just thought I'd log an isolated instance of his character in the interest of fairness.
Posted by pdarbs on 2019-11-22 04:04:08
Wait a minute, smallman doesnt sound like the devil as i always imagined!?!
Good podcast actually. Not a smallman fan myself but has earnt a bit of respect here for doing the chat
Posted by Wozzaa on 2019-11-22 04:43:04
It was a great listen.
Perhaps some harder questions around how smallkosp is built to absolutely destroy new teams, and in doing so probably ruining some new players experiences of fumbbl might've been good.
But all in all, a great episode.
Posted by thoralf on 2019-11-22 06:42:39
So, next episode is with Swampserpent?
Posted by erased000047 on 2019-11-22 09:26:13
I'd be happy to do one , :_)
Posted by ClayInfinity on 2019-11-22 11:54:57
Thanks for the podcast, thanks for smallman to putting himself out there and to all the "naysayers", really poor form... didn't know he was Aussie, so he should come and join the SWL!
Posted by Badoek on 2019-11-22 12:45:27
"Perhaps some harder questions around how smallkosp is built to absolutely destroy new teams, and in doing so probably ruining some new players experiences of fumbbl might've been good"
Fully agree. Both the build and pace of the game was something I felt was horrible and I wasn't even new!
Also, if you don't mind being seen as a villain in a community... well.. I hope you're just acting like a tough guy.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2019-11-22 20:51:04
"Have to be honest, that has to be one of the worst comments I've read in a long while."
I think any comments anti-Smallman (for the damage he's done to the site, not judging the person outside of the site) are well justified. It's difficult to catalogue the whole Smallman history, however there is a part of him (and for a long time) that did damage to the site due to bitterness towards the site.
Is that forgivable? Well only if the good done afterwards can repair the damage; which in this day I think isn't possible.
Posted by petalwarfare on 2019-11-22 22:31:58
I played him and it was a fun game. I think it was a good interview with a good player. Great podcast.
Posted by Balle2000 on 2019-11-22 22:38:39
The power of media eh :)
Posted by Arcayn on 2019-11-22 23:25:49
LordPetru coming to a podcast near you!
Posted by fidius on 2019-11-22 23:55:20
I used to interview hedge fund managers for a living, to try to identify fraud, incompetence, etc. smallman was given a PR opportunity and he took it. If you think he wouldn't still be crapping all over the Box community if the rules permitted, you are dangerously naive.
Posted by Mattius on 2019-11-23 00:02:12
I look forward to listening to this tomorrow morning. Fair play to Smallman for coming out of his shell. Who knows, next be might make a team bio... :)
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-23 00:53:44
@harvestmouse - I think I say above somewhere (may have been on discord) that my initial comment was a little out of order due to my initial reaction. Swampy and I have talked about it at length in private.
I’m not condoning previous actions. I am aware of the reasons for the protection in box, etc.
People deserve chances in my opinion.
Coming to Christmas, good time to bury the hatchet maybe. Last few years he has done more good than bad in box.
I’m really glad he came on to chat.
I am aware not everyone will feel the same :)
Posted by smallman on 2019-11-23 01:01:23
I have NEVER had bitterness towards the site. Even at the peak of my infamy i offered Christer to ban me with no ill feelings, out of respect for his amazing site.
I wish rookie protection was done sooner, but zero apology for me enjoying destroying any team. Good riddance to any crying pixel hugging coach that quit.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-23 01:09:11
Ah, well maybe not then
Posted by garyt1 on 2019-11-23 01:50:22
I bow down to Throweck and PC for deciding to interview the infamous Smallman. At the very least to satisfy some curiosity.
Smallman sounds quite shy, down to earth. But on the inside likes some destruction!
Good to know that he genuinely has fun playing on FUMBBL....
Though still harsh attitude to the "pixel huggers" & can work on his empathy. But that is something that a person would have to want to try and change.
As he can do an interview maybe he could be tempted to chat in game too.. :)
Keep up the good work with the podcast fellas.
Posted by MattDakka on 2019-11-23 17:41:58
@smallman: I don't think that playing vs your team during its "golden age" in CRP was an issue only for pixel hugging coaches.
When a team loses many players in few turns due to a certain skillstack (CRP Cpomb namely) and the rest of them is entangled by Tentacles Big Guys well, that doesn't make a game interesting nor encourages new people to play furthermore in the Box.
I don't mean to attack or blame you here, just saying that not only pixelhugger coaches can be driven off, but even coaches not caring too much about their pixels, yet caring about having a match where they can do something rather than just passively watching their team while it gets wrecked.
Posted by Verminardo on 2019-11-23 17:52:08
Nothing very surprising really, here is someone committed to the point of obsession to this game and playing it his way, and not caring in the least about the other human beings who dedicate their time and effort to sharing the activity with him. It is an attitude that deeply alienates me.
Also, smallman, if you really had that much respect for Christer and the site, you wouldn't have shouted it all accross the forums when he turned down your offer to go away. By the way, did you ask him first, before you quoted in public from a private message?
Posted by thoralf on 2019-11-23 18:10:52
"you wouldn't have shouted it all accross the forums when he turned down your offer to go away"
Why the hell not. It may be fun to underline that mobs don't have the power they pretend to have.
What schedulers do ain't no small menz' problem. Scapegoating them won't solve it.
Posted by Joost on 2019-11-23 19:47:43
I don’t like smallman’s approach to the games on fumbbl. But I do appreciate him being part of a pod cast. For better or worse the man is a part of the community and he is perhaps the most debated member here. How weird would it be to ignore that for podcasts? Also, from what I read into christers posts “inclusion” and “transparency “ seem to be important values to him and to his vision for the community. Inviting those that go against the grain to a podcast are very much in line with those values methinks.
Posted by fidius on 2019-11-24 03:43:38
Just want to add that Throweck's podcast is thoroughly first-rate, he obviously has put his heart and soul into it and it shows. Top quality, well-prepared, great tuneage... He even has a voice for radio. (One could argue he doesn't have a "face for radio", but that's a compliment!) Really well done. Wish I could say the same about any of my hobby endeavours. I disagree with having smallman on, but admittedly (as Joost said) it's in line with the site's overall philosophy (which I chafe at). Really it just speaks again to his willingness to steer into the skid for the sake of the site and the game.
Anyway I just wanted to make sure that got said from over here.
Posted by Arktoris on 2019-11-24 06:53:08
enjoyed the podcast a lot. Nice all three of you had a great time talking!
Posted by JellyBelly on 2019-11-24 17:15:27
@Throweck: In my opinion, he absolutely deserves the stigma he has attracted. As a Euro-area coach, I don't expect you to appreciate the hugely negative effect smallman has had on the American Box, over a number of years. He is also well aware of his negative impact on the community and has shown that he doesn't care about it in the slightest. I'm not particularly interested in what he thinks.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-24 17:50:12
@JellyBelly - I'm not disagreeing with that, the stigma was above...'smallman has become, [b]with good reason[/b], a villain.'
My point was around second chances. This could go on forever though. Some aren't going to forgive smallman for the past, some will change their views.
However, I am not going to apologise for having him on the podcast and stand by the fact that I think it was/is interesting for the community to listen to, regardless of view points. I'm never going to make everyone happy and I don't intend to.
Interestingly, it's the most listened to episode we have done but also has the lowest rating in a blog.
I'm glad it's evoked emotion, even my own.
Posted by koadah on 2019-11-24 18:29:53
You maybe could have given him a bit more of a grilling. ;)
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2019-11-24 21:05:46
"I'm glad it's evoked emotion" - so, an attention grab by the blog? There are plenty of better coaches, or ones who have contributed something very positive, and most of them wouldn't be nearly as boring. Damn, it was hard to listen too. The slow answers, just like the 4-minutes turns, the pauses... I mean, ok, what can you do, when you've already gotten to that point? Maybe not dedicating that entire time to soft ball questions - and waiting for robotic low battery answers -, speed it up a bit by just talking what some may interest and then move on to another topic?
Controversy for the controversy's sake - i am not a fan. Do something less boring! ;-)
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-24 21:21:43
Erm, no.
I did the blog to advertise the podcast.
So we should avoid controversy? Sounds boring.
And yes I am glad it’s evoked emotion and discussion. Otherwise, what’s the point of doing it? I’ve done nothing wrong in what I’ve done with the podcast. It’s just that this time the subject went far and wide with peoples experiences rather than the normal stuff we do.
Your lengthy response tells me it has evoked emotion in you in some way.
Posted by Verminardo on 2019-11-24 21:28:55
If you want "not boring", get PainState and TheGreatGobbo on! xD
Posted by Dalfort on 2019-11-24 23:26:08
When is the Lizvis interview due?
I learnt in Faction to at least take your opponents enjoyment into account, my ability was severely shown up for it's lacking and I quickly turned to finding personal "alternative" wins for myself, my first Legend came from Faction the QB Kroxigor remains my favourite player. But ignoring the game to achieve passes (I wouldn't defend so I could receive again) came across as disrespectful to some coaches. Like everything the answer lies in balance, unfortunately my scales are knackered, others are faulty and some have out and out fiddled the settings.
Be kind.
Take care, Dalfort.
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2019-11-25 01:17:34
If feeling boring and the feeling of a waste of time is an emotion, then yes. To tell it as short as possible: You wanted controversy and discussion? This long warm cooked thing seems like a lost opportunity to me.
Posted by koadah on 2019-11-25 01:33:52
>>When is the Lizvis interview due?
Steady on. It's been fairly civil until now.
Posted by Throweck on 2019-11-25 08:41:35
@menonaloco - Like I said, not out to make everyone happy. Appreciate that you listened, so thanks.
Thanks to all the people that left positive messages.
Thanks to all the people that left constructive criticism.
Posted by Dalfort on 2019-11-25 13:16:32
@koadah I meant it tongue in cheek, we've always had contentious members in the community and I believe smallman is rather mild by comparison.
Posted by koadah on 2019-11-25 13:51:30
@Dalfort: So did I. Kind of. ;)
I did consider adding a smiley. But hey, it's a fair point. If you are going to allow one person, why not another?
The site chose to allow his shenanigans for quite a long period of time. They even had him running official tournaments. Was he banned or whether he just quit?
So, why not him? ;)
Posted by fidius on 2019-11-26 02:11:14
I don't believe smallman has ever asked for a second chance, apologized, backed off his past approaches, or otherwise given any indication he wished to make things right. He only wants to get more games for himself -- and ideally games tilted toward easy wins without regard to his opponent's experience.
Posted by garyt1 on 2019-11-26 22:42:19
One comment on Anchor FM site. It doesn't seem you can fast forward and rewind the podcasts? Just to start and end.