Posted by Java on 2020-04-04 14:04:39
Hey, I was there too! The Eternal NAFChampion! :P
(well, not eternal, there will hopefully be another NAFC in due course - 2025 maybe)
(and Dan Atherton as well, although you might not want to give publicity to RIVAL PODCASTS :P :P )
Regarding how to pronounce Tilea, it's a bit confusing because it's supposed to be fake Italy in a fantasy world made up by an English company. If you wanted to go for the way Italians say it, it would be "tea"-"lay"-"ah", because I is always pronounced like the first E in even, E is always pronounced like the first E in excellent, and A is always pronounced like the A in arctic. The unholy sorcery of phonetic languages.
Until somebody goes and asks GW, and they might not even have a set pronunciation, or ask the guys that made up the WHFB world almost 40 years ago, anything goes, maybe it's "tie"-"Lee".
Throweck, if you want a hand with the results, I'm sure there's plenty of us in lockdown at the moment. Assuming it's something like compiling an excel file, or transcribing it into a webform, there must be ways to delegate or split the work if it's too time consuming.