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SWL Season 31:

**Inaugural match, in the SWL - Comissioner Clayfinity's Regional League, on the 12 July 2009
(nil all draw, mind you..)**

**August 5, 2009 (SWL season 31, round 4): The day the Love died. Big Scaly Love, the heart of the team, was this day laid low, by Grugnash of the Byg F'Orkz. RIP, Big Scaly.. you never even got a chance...**

The first season for the Lizzies went fairly well, with a 4/2/1 win/loss ration helping them into third spot on the ladder... the two teams above the Lizzies, however, were 'fillers', which (unfortunately) meant that the Lizzies were off to the Conferences.. just a *little* underdone...

SWL Season 32:

In all, a fairly disastrous season for the Lizzies. Going in, we were fairly confident of a couple of wins and a few draws, with some skills and cash helping to maintain a solid position in the Confs, and an eye towards building for the gradual ascent into the Premierships.
What actually happened, was we became the 'Replacements Spelling Bee Conference' whipping boys.
The shining moments of the entire season, which saw a number of deaths and injuries (in particular, view Round 4...), would have to be holding Coach Barre's trophy winning Khemri to a 1-1 draw, and, of course, Captain Tamalli winning the Silver Sheild for most Blocks (tied with Sarah II of the BBQ Wednesday Regulars, at 74 blocks apiece (av of 10.57 blocks/game)
The lowest point? Round 2 vs Coach Richies Phoenix (K)nights Why? Because we were 2-0 with 4 turns to go, and we snatched a glorious draw from the jaws of victory. Huzzah!!

Bring on Season 33!

Back in the regionals! Well, it may be a backwards step of sorts, but the Lizzies took the chance to get some serious training in, and look towards a rebuild up to the Conferences. Some serious overcrowding at the bottom meant not everyone got to play each other - perhaps, as a result, some teams may have had an easier run than others - for the Lizzies, it was a mixed bag. A first round shock loss snapped the Lizzies out of their complacency; a mid season forfeit also went the other way, until finally, we finished on 25 points - along with 2 other teams. Sadly, those teams were the only two to beat the Lizzies during that season, and so, we were resigned to aother season in the Regionals....

Until a stunning decision made by the League bosses saw another Conference division added, and a mass promotion of the better teams from the Regionals! The Lizzies are on their way once again!

SWL Season 34:

The season of the rematches! All bar one match this season was playing against a team the Lizzies had faced up to in the past. Some glorious highs at the beginning of the season (including the highlight of a win over Quod's viciously dirty chaos, despite having 7 players sent to the casualty bin...), were balanced by some woeful lows (such as the Seekers rampant scoring over a fumbling team of amateurs). In all, we ended the season with a 2/3/2 record - very middle of the range, and reflected in our final position of 4th (or possibly 5th); Some exciting rivalries have opened up though, especially our bloody grudge with the Gargantuans - in both meetings, the blows have come thick and fast, and players from both team have ended their careers, and their lives, on the pitch...

SWL Seasons 35-37:

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Mighty Blow
  13 0 0 0 5 0 10/16 100k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9   4 0 0 0 1 0 2/6 80k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Break Tackle, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard
-ag 85 0 2 0 61 7 163/176 180k
Saurus Blocker
5 4 1 9
Block, Guard
-ma 27 0 0 1 5 3 27/31 120k
Saurus Blocker
6 4 1 9
Block, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Stand Firm
  57 0 2 0 23 4 72/76 160k
Saurus Blocker
5 5 1 9
+ST, Break Tackle, Dodge
-ma 52 0 2 0 6 5 43/51 180k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  4 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 60k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
  9 0 0 0 0 1 5/6 60k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle
  18 0 10 0 0 1 35/51 130k
5 5 1 9
Bone-head, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull
Guard, Stand Firm
-ma 23 0 0 0 3 2 16/31 180k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Side Step, Wrestle, Jump Up
  24 1 9 0 2 3 47/51 130k
Skink Runner
8 2 3 7
Dodge, Stunty
Side Step, Wrestle
  14 0 4 0 0 2 22/31 110k
12 players  
Coach: Luohghcra Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Lizardmen Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1830k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 500k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 1830k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:87 (40/19/28) |TD Diff:29 (127 - 98) |Cas Diff:14 (121/63/36 - 110/62/34)
Last Opponent: Isis'r'us

  For   Against  
Opponent Race TV SPP Cas Gold Score TV SPP Cas Gold Gate
Stardom aNd MayhemWood Elf1000k120/1/180k1 - 11050k171/0/190k78k
Gongoth GargantuansChaos Dwarf1040k151/0/180k2 - 01070k50/0/040k42k
You Can't Stop the Buggers!Goblin1160k70/1/050k0 - 31360k202/1/050k65k
Dead Rat WalkingTomb Kings1210k120/0/090k2 - 01320k71/0/080k75k
Mr Waits' Gun Street GhoulsVampire1280k150/2/070k2 - 11280k111/0/070k60k
Khemri from the DwarfKhemri1300k90/2/040k0 - 01210k113/1/090k76k
Gongoth GargantuansChaos Dwarf1370k152/0/070k2 - 01380k70/1/070k61k
Shaliar SovereignsUndead1410k150/1/0150k1 - 01310k20/0/00k89k
Byg F'OrkzOrc1540k100/1/060k1 - 21530k275/1/160k66k
BBC HeroesUndead1480k120/2/070k1 - 11490k164/0/060k90k
Gosford GrizzliesElf1570k201/0/080k4 - 01420k50/0/060k76k
United AbominationsNurgle1690k160/0/140k3 - 01700k163/1/160k74k
Norscia BezerkersNorse1680k91/1/160k0 - 21920k171/1/040k95k
Phoenix (K)nightsHigh Elf1760k151/0/130k2 - 21850k170/1/140k89k
Dead Rat WalkingTomb Kings1610k100/1/080k1 - 11750k182/2/260k85k
Seekers of the SepulchreElven Union1460k133/1/150k0 - 32000k252/2/030k94k
Mort AvaritiaChaos1470k80/1/050k0 - 42270k261/1/250k76k
Watchmen (SWL)Human1400k80/0/060k1 - 31960k200/1/030k70k
Steve of the DeadNecromantic Horror1470k153/1/090k0 - 22060k152/0/020k85k
James Hardie UnitedUndead1580k50/0/060k0 - 11300k124/0/160k61k
Good, Bad, FurrySkaven1590k202/3/050k3 - 11660k120/1/050k69k
Krumpin' an Splattin'Ogre1690k202/0/150k3 - 11680k122/0/050k74k
Fyord FrollikarsNorse1790k191/3/050k2 - 01610k50/0/070k68k
Linear Guild Chosen OnesDark Elf1880k154/0/020k2 - 11440k100/0/060k72k
Fukuoka FirefliesAmazon1940k151/1/130k2 - 11580k140/1/180k95k
Steve of the DeadNecromantic Horror1820k143/0/070k1 - 01860k81/1/060k97k
ScholaChaos Chosen1920k131/0/040k2 - 11700k207/0/070k102k
AgitateHigh Elf1980k173/1/080k2 - 21760k182/1/060k115k
Gongoth GargantuansChaos Dwarf2110k83/0/010k1 - 12150k120/1/130k93k
Seekers of the SepulchreElven Union1900k70/1/130k0 - 41750k231/0/060k90k
Fukuoka FirefliesAmazon1870k70/1/070k0 - 11920k122/0/040k106k
Byg F'OrkzOrc1950k192/2/030k2 - 21920k161/0/070k99k
Stalind's White StallionsNorse1900k123/0/060k1 - 12000k121/1/020k98k
Skye KrusharsOrc1980k50/0/040k0 - 11850k182/2/160k83k
Fukuoka FirefliesAmazon1950k101/0/050k1 - 22000k141/0/070k110k
Unearthed UndertakersShambling Undead2010k194/0/060k2 - 11720k102/3/050k97k
AgitateHigh Elf2120k163/1/050k1 - 12040k131/0/070k126k
Blackwater BlitzSkaven2060k110/0/140k1 - 21350k180/1/040k69k
REALLY High Elves, SpeedballinHigh Elf2000k100/0/170k1 - 12000k110/0/030k89k
Woodland MonarchsWood Elf2020k111/0/00k1 - 32060k222/0/040k79k
Gongoth GargantuansChaos Dwarf2030k172/1/040k2 - 01720k90/1/020k78k
Linear Guild Chosen OnesDark Elf2100k192/2/040k2 - 12230k150/1/140k86k
Windies 1980Human2100k150/1/120k2 - 11610k141/2/260k77k
Skye KrusharsOrc2070k100/0/130k1 - 12270k121/0/010k84k
Pus Is Good For YouNurgle's Rotters1990k232/1/160k3 - 11650k132/0/040k75k
Good, Bad, FurrySkaven2000k233/1/270k2 - 21940k190/2/040k83k
Sulphur SoulsNecromantic2130k214/0/120k2 - 01830k60/0/050k79k
Skye KrusharsOrc2200k80/0/060k1 - 12110k161/1/140k92k
Woodies Reunion TourVampire2170k80/0/040k1 - 12160k100/1/040k123k
Daughters of the FlameAmazon2230k121/0/30k1 - 21900k202/1/140k61k
Gongoth GargantuansChaos Dwarf2170k110/0/060k2 - 12070k161/2/140k90k
Linear Guild Chosen OnesDark Elf2150k161/1/220k1 - 11970k111/0/050k90k
Mort AvaritiaChaos2000k172/0/190k2 - 02000k131/2/150k124k
SWL DefilersDark Elf1900k153/0/060k2 - 11990k100/0/080k104k
Pope... SMASH!Human1990k112/1/070k0 - 11790k101/1/280k85k
Redhead's RevengeOrc1920k50/1/050k0 - 12030k101/3/060k73k
Steve of the DeadNecromantic Horror1980k72/0/070k0 - 22280k194/0/010k98k
Slumbering SkinkLizardmen2060k183/0/080k2 - 11910k142/0/190k127k
Good, Bad, FurrySkaven2190k151/0/140k2 - 21730k160/2/060k86k
Stalind's White StallionsNorse2000k212/2/270k2 - 12000k80/0/060k83k
Skye KrusharsOrc2120k151/1/140k2 - 22040k233/2/130k80k
Redgum's ReptilesLizardmen1990k71/0/070k0 - 11850k100/0/140k95k
Karak Und WardensDwarf1960k213/1/080k4 - 01870k121/2/050k86k
Windies 1980Human2100k90/0/050k1 - 22080k180/2/120k92k
Good, Bad, FurrySkaven2090k191/3/050k2 - 21700k171/0/170k86k
Mort AvaritiaChaos2190k142/1/030k1 - 22350k112/1/130k131k
XXXIX NecroticsNecromantic Horror2180k123/0/140k0 - 31700k223/3/230k73k
Da Big LadzOgre1730k210/2/070k4 - 01660k101/0/140k36k
Dead Rat WalkingTomb Kings1880k101/0/070k1 - 01890k61/0/050k45k
Werewolves 4 A Better TomorrowNecromantic Horror1960k171/1/150k2 - 11840k143/2/130k34k
Redgum's ReptilesLizardmen1730k92/0/050k0 - 11950k164/0/070k39k
Redgum RabbleDwarf1940k170/1/070k3 - 02090k71/0/050k33k
Feel the NoizeDwarf1980k181/1/130k2 - 01170k30/1/030k38k
Ice FangsNorse1880k222/2/060k3 - 01570k143/0/110k30k
Grizzlebeard Crag CrushazDwarf1890k150/1/170k2 - 01610k60/0/050k40k
Crash TragicSlann1830k213/2/080k2 - 01390k91/0/060k40k
Bush CobrasHuman1880k121/0/160k1 - 21410k163/1/070k40k
Bush CobrasHuman1750k223/0/180k3 - 01640k81/1/050k35k
Yang Gang Human1900k202/0/130k3 - 01650k60/0/020k33k
Tribute to Alan ParsonsSlann1990k144/0/020k1 - 22140k120/0/060k36k
Redgum's ReptilesLizardmen2010k295/1/180k3 - 01790k91/1/020k33k
Krumpin' an Splattin'Ogre1920k121/0/180k1 - 02130k133/1/140k34k
Late ShowDark Elf1840k162/2/050k1 - 21550k150/1/160k35k
Tribute to Alan ParsonsSlann1710k71/1/060k0 - 22160k172/0/070k30k
Blackwater BlitzSkaven1820k123/0/070k1 - 02150k60/0/010k34k
Famous FemmesAmazon1840k142/2/040k1 - 21910k130/0/060k33k
Isis'r'usTomb Kings1830k150/2/060k2 - 01110k71/0/010k23k