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To use the rosters in your league, you could use Ruleset 2198
To add these to your ruleset individually,
click "Add Existing Roster"
search for "koadah/_"
Or PM Koadah to get them all added.
If you want to play with these teams on this website in open [L]eague please go to Secret League 2020 Open and click on the "Create team for this league" link. Put [SL20] before your team name and then go to game finder and/or Discord Chat to get a game.
If you prefer the structure of a standard round robin format league, please check out CIBBL, SLA, WOBBL contact the league admin listed and they will tell you when the new season starts which is typically when new teams are recruited. CIBBL does use several rosters modified from the standard Secret League rosters.
For KO tournaments check out the SL Old World Rookie Rumble and SL Old World Brawls, Major tournaments will follow when seasons are added.
For tournaments and open play using 2016 skill progression, try the Open League Challenge.
For NAF style resurrection tournaments, check out Secret Resurrection .
View the rosters all on one page
Secret League Beast of Chaos Teams
Secret League Chaos Dwarf Teams
Secret League Dwarf Hold Teams
Secret League Daemons of Chaos Teams
Secret League Elf Teams
Secret League Forest Spirit Teams
Secret League Greenskin Teams
Secret League Human Teams
Secret League Lustrian Teams
Secret League Necromantic Teams
Secret League Ogre Kingdom Teams
Secret League Skaven Teams
Secret League Tomb King Teams
Secret League Vampire Teams
Secret League Warriors of Chaos Teams
Secret League Other Teams
Albion Teams
Araby Teams
Avelorn Teams
Beastmen Teams
Black Ark Teams
Black Dwarf Teams
Blood Dragons
Border Princes
Bretonnian Teams
Cathay Teams
Centigor Teams
Chaos Imp Teams
Clan Eshin
Clan Mordkin
Clan Mors
Clan Moulder
Clan Pestilens
Clan Skryre
Cult of Myrmidia
Cult of Ulric Teams
Daemons of Khorne
Daemons of Malal
Daemons of Nurgle
Daemons Slaanesh
Daemons Tzeentch
Dryad Teams
Dust Goblin Teams
Eight Peak Teams
Elemental Teams
Engineer Teams
Eonir Teams
Estalia Teams
Ethereal Teams
Fimir Teams
Flesh Golem
Forest Goblins
Forest Halflings
Four Nations Teams
Giant Teams
Gnoblar Teams
Gnome Tinkers
Half-Elf Teams
Half-Orc Teams
Hill Goblins
Hobgoblin Teams
Hobgoblin Slavers
Hung Teams
Ironbreaker Teams
Isha Teams
Ka-Sabar Teams
Khainite Assassins
Kingdom of Ind
Kislev Teams
Kurgan Teams
Kurnous Teams
Lahmian Teams
Lumbria Teams
Lybaras Teams
Lustrian Pact
Mahrak Teams
Minotaur Teams
Nagarythe Teams
Nautican Teams
Necrarch Teams
Night Goblin Teams
Ninja Flings
Nippon Teams
Norse Dwarf Teams
Northern Nippon
Nuln Teams
Numas Teams
Ogre Kingdom
Pirates of Sartosa
Rasetra Teams
Savage Orc Teams
Sea Elf Teams
Sisters Of Sigmar
Skink Teams
Slaanesh Teams
Slayer Teams
Snakemen Teams
Sons of Stromfels
Squig Teams
Storm Wardens
Strigoi Teams
Tilea Teams
Treemen Teams
Troll Teams
Tzeentch Teams
Undead Pirates
Valkyrie Teams
Von Carstein Teams
Were Teams
Witch Elf Teams
Witch Hunter Teams
Zandri Teams
Zoat Teams
Spawn of Chaos
Malal Teams
Werewolf Teams
Khorne Teams
Snotling Teams
Big Uns Team (this has been turned into the new Black Orc team, and Big Uns were put in the Orc team)
Sylvania Pact Team (the standard 2020 vampire team essentially changed into a version of Sylvania pact, so this roster has been removed)