Posted by Marco27 on 2016-02-24 12:08:45
Dont use PO when you get a KO. Only use it on a stun! It's simple as that ;)
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-02-24 12:11:18
Seems like good advice, Marco27 :)
Posted by Wreckage on 2016-02-24 12:14:56
I'd argue similarly to the sequencing in passing.. Although the int technically happens after the pass, the int roll is done prior simply to account for its probability appropriatly. Fluffwise however to sequence remains unaltered. Similarly a KOed player could be looked at as never KOed to begin with.
The assault with the goal of a cas could be seen as a failed attempt to go for a vital organ instead of hitting whatever.
Posted by bigGuy on 2016-02-24 12:37:07
Clearly, elf only pretended to be knocked out.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-02-24 12:37:15
Good point, Wreckage - I guess you could say the action isn't complete until the PO reroll has been made.
Posted by Timetis on 2016-02-24 12:37:42
I'd say the killer is so busy with trying to hurt his knocked out victim that the medical staff that usually carry unconscious players off cannot reach him and are just forced to leave him in play.
Posted by m0gw41 on 2016-02-24 12:44:53
If someone is unconscious sometimes slapping their face can bring them around, a mistimed/weak piling on attempt could be close to this.
Posted by Endzone on 2016-02-24 12:53:44
I think the mechanics just give a representation of what happens on the pitch and should not be taken to literally. The average human player doesn't really fail to pick up a ball when under no pressure 1/3 of the time, interceptions don't really happen before the ball leaves the passer's hand, a failed piling on doesn't really 'un-KO' a player, players don't actually run faster when players are pushed into them (like on OTT attempts) and one team doesn't stand still for a few minutes whilst the other team all move one at a time!
Posted by Endzone on 2016-02-24 13:17:33
However, players do take elaborate run ups before sticking the boot in - so please do incorporate this into your play! ;)
Posted by FRSHMN on 2016-02-24 13:21:01
What next? Santa doesn't exist?
Posted by paradocks on 2016-02-24 13:28:01
The fluff is, what could've been a KO if the player had hit properly was instead only a stun due to the player being trained to hit by a poor coach
Posted by Endzone on 2016-02-24 13:46:41
Of course he exists.
Santa: 5437, Strong Arm, Always Hungry, Fan Favourite GP SA 100K
Posted by Verminardo on 2016-02-24 13:54:31
I can think of several good reasons why you would PO on a K.O., for instance if it's a natural one-turner who would be "safe" if K.O.'ed, and you really need to take him out of the game entirely, so even a Stun is better than K.O. because you get another shot... or if the game is in the bag and you're farming SPP... or if not Piling On would leave you exposed to being blocked/blitzed by the other guy's CPOMBer... but as a general rule, yeah, don't.
Posted by the_Sage on 2016-02-24 14:10:25
Actually, I don't think the intercept sequence accounts for the probability correctly at all. If someone throws a long bomb while in a bunch of tackle zones, then there's only a 1 in 6 chance that the ball will even move more than 1 square... yet a good interceptor standing (say, with AG5 catch) standing 10 squares away can turn this probability into 75%!
Posted by Uedder on 2016-02-24 14:14:34
Piling on a ko against 2 babes isn't bad at all imo, given you don't need that exact player out just for that drive (e.g. strip ball leaper)
Posted by knightsweats on 2016-02-24 14:47:36
I had a player yesterday get woken up by a ball and chain.
First hit knocked him down and stunned him, second hit failed to break armour and he was simply prone.
Hadn't seen that before.
Posted by jamesfarrell129 on 2016-02-24 15:17:06
Obviously the hit player took a dive...
Posted by pythrr on 2016-02-24 17:26:19
RR all KOs.
CAS for the CAS gods
Posted by fidius on 2016-02-24 18:41:33
@the_Sage: Yes -- the INT order does save many potentially unnecessary fiddling (imagine Measure->Passroll(inacc)->Scatter(3)->Remeasure->Interceptroll->Catch), but with the downside of making passing much more risky. A future passing mechanism should probably put INT back where it belongs but simplify the measurement process, eg by eliminating the ruler for starters.
Posted by Wreckage on 2016-02-24 21:27:45
No, the issue is a technical one. The impact of interceptions on the game are too small as they are. The reason why they are prioritized is because the probability of the entire sequence is supposed to give the intercepter a higher chance to succeed. If the roll was done first, the interception chance was even further reduced by the probability of the pass being unsuccessful.
It is not about the fluff, it is about the 1 in 50 games you have to play where you actually do an int.
Posted by PaddyMick on 2016-02-24 21:29:09
You've hit on a new way to nerf PO.... make it non optional, like frenzeh
Posted by mariogodzilla on 2016-02-24 21:34:46
PO all KO's in the first half, it's your call in the second half.
Posted by fidius on 2016-02-24 23:07:51
@Wreckage: I think the INT chance is already too large, which is part of the reason nobody passes (along with passroll and catchroll being very fallible). When they happen they are game-changing events. If you lower the INT chance, and improve passing slightly (like, say, a bonus +1 to catch on a modified 6+ Pass), there would be more passing, and thus more chances to intercept.
Posted by JellyBelly on 2016-02-25 01:16:10
@knightsweats: lol, that ball & chain one is hilarious! Technically, you could use it to try to 'wake up' a player on your own team that is stunned :). Kind of strange that it works with B&C, but not with fouling though ..
@fidius: why do you think the INT chance is too high? I can't remember the last time I intercepted a pass.