Ok, if anyone needs proof that HEs are totally cursed (at least for me) check out the latest
dicing they had today at the hands of blader4411. It was a close game and we drew it 1-1, BUT - 3 kills & 1 SI?! Come on!! Versus ag7 skaven with no rat ogre - and he didn't make a single foul. And this time I actually made more blocks than him, so I defy anyone to tell me that this isn't a total diceraping. Sorry Blader, I'm not having a go at you, just the fricking screwed-up dice I keep on getting dealt.
This is NOT normal and this literally happens pretty much every other game for me with HEs. How am I supposed to ever have a chance of building a decent HE team if Nuffle hates me so much ..... ?
Boo hoo ..... grumble, grumble, sulk, sulk ........ :p