Hey there! If anyone is interested in some Secret League action in North American timezone evenings, Secret League Americas has an open spot in each of the East and West Coast divisions. We are very close to the end of our second season (only 2 rounds to go); however, if anyone would like to play and get a team started for next season then drop me a line.
SLA is a standard round-robin league for Secret League teams, playing to a weekly schedule, with an end-of season play-off tournament to decide the overall season winner. We have 24 coaches in total, split evenly between East and West-coast divisions. There are also lost Lustrian treasures to find and seasonal player prizes - more information can be found by clicking the banner at the top :)
SLA is for coaches in the North American timezone that are available to play between about 00:00 and 07:00 bbtime. If anyone is interested in filling the spot on the West Coast, please pm me or reply to this blog to let me know which team you want to play. Only 1 team of each race is allowed - you can see which teams are already taken on the league
teams page.
Thanks! :D