I'm sure you have all heard that Within the next week, the FCC is going to vote on whether they will repeal the net neutrality regulation, which forces the main US ISPs to treat every website equally and prevents them from creating 'fast lanes' for their own preferential services, or for those that can pay more. This an assault on the free internet and will impact millions of internet users, as well as smaller sites (like Fumbbl) and small startups.
We have to do everything we can to oppose this repeal, or the internet as we know and love it will die. Two important links:
Save The Internet
Battle for the Net
Actions we can take:
1. Sign the petition
2. Call your congressional representatives and/or FCC Commissioners directly
3. Take part in the 'Break the Internet' protest this Tuesday
Internet users do not want this and it can be stopped. Is it possible that Fumbbl might take part in 'Break the Internet'?