About 2 months ago I posted a blog
here, that I was going to enter Royal Rookie Rumbles with every team that I had never played on FUMBBL. The first 3 teams (stage 1) are now complete - I started new Khemri, Slann and Goblin teams - and here are the results:
My Box Khemri team was the first one up, facing off in the
first round against phosrik's Orc team. Things started off ok for the first couple of turns, then on about turn 3, a wall of tomb guardians that I thought was fairly solid turned out to be not so solid, giving him a shot to blitz my ballcarrier Throw-Ra. He only rolled pushes, but I was left in an awkward position and, after blitzing him free, he had to make a couple of gfis to get safe, one of which he snaked and he was killed outright (no regen)! From there, my dice pretty much collapsed and the game quickly spiralled away from me. He ended up winning it 2-0.
Even though I lost it, I quite enjoyed playing Khemri. They seem like a different sort of challenge to what I'm used to (elves/Skaven) and I have played a few more games with them in the Box since.
phosrik actually went on to get to the final of that RRR, so I guess he must know what he's doing with Orcs (or he's a dirty lucker!) :)
The second RRR was with Slann. I went with the 4 catcher build and a bunch of rerolls, but no Krox or Blitzers and had a good
first round game against pokrjax's Dark Elf team, winning it 2-1, thanks to some tricky leaping plays. I guess Slann were a bit closer to what I'm used to, leaning more towards the agile teams. In the second round though, I ran into Purplechest's Wood Elves and got
shot down. I had a very lucky first half defense - preventing him from scoring thanks to a couple of crazy lucky leaping blitzes (I had taken Strip Ball on one of the catchers after the first game). Second half, I received, and managed to hold him off for a couple of turns. Then, I unfortunately had a bad one, failing to make 2 gfis with a reroll, which might have put me in a decent position. So, he scored, then rolled a Blitz straight after and that was that :).
The Slann were kind of fun and I wouldn't mind playing some more with them (if I had the time).
Last team in stage 1 were my gobbos, which were drawn against Jeguan's
rookie Skaven. It was always going to be a tall order and the gitz tried their best; however, unfortunately, my chainsaw didn't do much and my bombs seemed to do more damage to my team than to his. Being down players vs Skaven is bad, but it's even worse when you're gobbos! :P Anyway, he spanked me pretty good 3-0. Highlight for the gobbos was probably when gobbo Nosedirt made an amazing play to dodge through about 5 tackle zones, pick up the ball in 2 tackle zones and long pass it to my pogoer on a 6! What a legend!! The game was pretty fun and I enjoyed the mayhem.
Anyway, now for stage 2. I actually miscounted it before and there are 7 teams left that I haven't tried:
Chaos Pact
Dark Elf
Wood Elf
So, next up will be whichever 3 get shouted out first in the comments (I'll only take 1 suggestion form each poster though) :D