Do you live in the North American timezone? Do you have an unsatiated desire to play more Secret League? Do you dream of searching for lost treasures in the untamed jungles of Lustria?
Well, in that case,
Secret League Americas is the league you have been looking for!
A couple of our coaches seem to have dropped out, so we have some spots available for any coaches that are interested, who would be available to play in American evenings most days.
We're currently into Round 7 out of 11 of our inaugural season and we have 24 coaches, split evenly between East and West-coast divisions. It's a standard round-robin league playing to a weekly schedule and there will be an end-of season play-off tournament to decide the overall winner. More information can be found by clicking the banner at the top.
If anyone is interested in filling our open positions, please let me know by pm or by replying to this blog post. Preference will go to whoever contacts me/replies to the blog first. Thanks! :D