Hi all. Ok, I'm going to make a positive blog entry for once, rather than a whiny one. :)
I've just managed to develop my very first superstar! Meet
FiXXXer, the top blitzer on my Box
skaven team. His interests include winning at BloodBowl and doing nasty things to Dorfs (both during and after the game ;) ). Even though he's managed to drop to MA5 during the course of his Box career, I think he's still well worth keeping around with his horns and claw and the low movement doesn't really seem to stop him from getting the job done. I have to confess that I took Piling On as his most recent skill, to complete the CPOMB killercheesecombo, however I have made an attempt to justify this in the fluff (you'll see if you check his bio).
I don't know whether he'll live to become a legend (especially in the Box), but I'll try to make the best of him while he's here :) .
This might seem like a fairly mundane achievement to some of the coaches who have been playing here for a while, which is fair enough. However, I've been on Fumbbl for less than 2 years and I don't really have that much time to play (maybe 2-3 games per week). Also, previously I've tended to spread my playing time quite thinly over many different teams, which has been good in some ways but has meant that I've played almost all of my games at low-mid TV/TS and I've never focused on building up any single team to a higher level. Recently I decided to focus solely on developing my Box skaven team, and nothing else, and so far it's been a really good experience and I'm learning a lot.
I used the downtime today (un?)wisely to fluff out the team a bit and, as you can see from the profiles, I've added custom pics and bios to both FiXXXer and my AG5 star gutter runner. I just pulled the pics off of Google - If anyone else is already using these pics for any active skaven players then let me know and I'll change them to something else.
See you on the pitch,
Jelly :D