Hey there! If anyone is interested in some Secret League action in American timezone evenings, Secret League Americas has an open spot in the East Coast division.
SLA is a standard round-robin league for Secret League teams, playing to a weekly schedule, with an end-of season play-off tournament to decide the overall season winner. We're currently into our third season and we have 24 coaches, split between 3 divisions. There are lost Lustrian treasures to find and seasonal player prizes - more information can be found by clicking the banner at the top :)
SLA is for any coaches in the American timezone that are available to play between about 00:00 and 07:00 bbtime. If anyone is interested in filling the spot on the East Coast, please pm me asap to let me know which team you want to play. Only 1 team of each race is allowed - you can see which teams are already taken on the league
teams page.
Thanks! :D