Let's get ready to Rumble!
Open [L]eague Challenge kicks off Thursday 16:00BBtime. The Road to the OLC Title starts here.
Play against any OLC teams, at any time that you can in the open [L]eague division to build your rep and earn a title shot.
The PVP 1 card will be announced on August 1st featuring the first title bout. Will your record be enough to make
you a contender?
Mayhemzz22 has had a lot to say but his teams seem a little on the light side.
Dudesweet101 has the biggest heavyweights but are they just bloated fatboys?
Calcium has been mighty quiet since his boy Sonnen took his spanking. 'Sup Calcium?
Teams may use Gamefinder to find matches. You can also challenge other OLC teams via chat or PM, or give a general shout for OLC opponents in #fumbbl or #fumbblLeague.
Games against elusive coaches or those on strange timezones may need to be arranged in advance.
If there are any artists out there we need a Championship belt.
Let's go ladies and gents.
"Iiiiiiiiit's time!"
Open [L]eague Challenge