Give your [L ]eague division teams (old and new) some action and earn a crack at the Champs.
The O[L]C eliminators are 8 or 4 team KOs. The winners get the next shot at the reigning champions for the title.
The following titles are up for grabs.
Heavyweight (unlimited), Middleweight (1600TV) and Lghtweight (1250TW). [L]eague division teams only.
The O[L]C XII card will be released Tuesday 25th June.
If you wish to take part sign up your team at the
main O[L]C group AND state your interest in the
forum thread.
While you are waiting, improve your team's reputation and earn points towards the
Open [L]eague Sprint by playing any other O[L]C team.
Acheron143's WCB Scholars (underworld) currently lead the way.
Also, get your teams in shape for the upcoming
Open [L]eague Cup
Find 'open' matches on gamefinder, chat #FumbblLeague or an O[L]C PM thread.
Ensure that your teams are signed up at the
home page so that you and your opponents gain the
points that you are due.