Big Teams, BB 2016 Tournament. One Last(?) Time.
It could be that this option may not be open to us much longer.
You are cordially invited to the O[L]C 2016 Swiss
This tournament runs under BB2016 rules!
Kick off is Wednesday 24th January 2024!
The O[L]C 2016 Swiss is a three round Swiss tournament open to League division teams.
Original & cloned from Ranked or Box.
No TV limit!. Each coach is allowed to enter ONE team.
We're expecting big teams. If you do not have a big team you could clone one up to a maximum of 2000TV. No TV limit on cloning your own teams.
The Swiss is open to teams that use BB2016, Secret League 2016, Slann or Simyin rosters.
If you want to clone a team from Ranked or 2016 Box, do that here.
Then sign them up here.
If a coach is unfortunate enough to have their teams drawn against each other, the coach may choose which team progresses.
Deadlines 10/11 Days. Sunday and Wednesday
Tournament apoths that patch up MNG players up before round 1 of a tournament will be employed. They cannot heal permanent injuries.
Do NOT be timing your opponent out when they are away from the keyboard. This is against Fumbbl rules.
BRB = Be right back
Wait for the opponent to return. If the opponent does not return close the client and follow disconnection procedures.
PM the opponent. If the opponent does not respond within 24 hours contact the commissioner.
Additional O[L]C rule.
Do not time the opponent out immediately the first time they exceed 4 minutes.
If you wish to time them out, post a warning at or before 4:00 but do not time them out before 4:30.
The second time you can time them out on 4:00.
Generally, try to avoid timing people out.