Hi Coaches,
Let's have another crack at using some of these
CRP+ CPOMB nerfs. The next
Open [L]eague Free For All will apply the same rules as before and test whether they are now working after the recent updates.
If you have any
[L]eague division teams that need a run out
sign em up NOW!!
O[L]C Free For All VI - Kicks off Friday 17th May
The O[L]C Free For All is an open round robin event that runs for just over three weeks.
Play any opponent in any order at any time. Schedule games in advance if you find that easier.
The winning team will have the highest points total from their
TEN best results.
Only your
TEN best results count but try to play as many matches as possible to make it fair for everyone.
If two or more teams finish level on the highest number of points two will play off for the title. If more than two are level then two will be chosen based on the strength of their schedule, cheesiness or their team, reputation for dodging, moaning etc etc.
The league will have two divisions. Flyweight (brand new teams) and Open weight (any non new team)
The house rules in effect will be
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
3. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
4. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
5. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
6. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.
Points are awarded as follows:
Win = 4, Draw = 2, Defeat = 1.
Sign up NOW!!
The league can support a maximum of 26 teams.
A coach may submit two teams though if demand is high only the first will be accepted. If empty league places remain a coach may add a third team when one of his first two has completed five games.
Get your teams in shape and a good rep for O[L]C title fights, Grands Prix, The Congregation, FC Massive Edition etc.