Open [L]eague Cup Winners
Gary_Gygax's Gygaxes take on O[L]C No 1 contenders
BillBrasky's Battleground WMD's for the
O[L]C Heavyweight Championship at O[L]C XVIII!
We need at least four more teams to round out the card in the O[L]C XVIII Open Challenge. This is a
four team KO,
NO TV limit. If we get more than four teams the four that are closest in TV will be selected. More challenges will be added depending on demand. The winners enhance their reputation and stake a claim for a
shot at the title. After the
O[L]C - Old World Free For All champions have had their crack that is.
Sign up a [L]eague division team that is not currently locked into some other event.
Sign up
HERE by Thursday 24th July to be sure of a place.
The group will be cleared in preparation for this new event so you may need to sign up your team again.
Each round is nine(9) days.
O[L]C House rules apply!
House Rules.
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
3. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
4. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
5. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
6. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.