Posted by MenonaLoco on 2018-03-15 18:03:40
Will there be an unlimited[Sl]am some day?
Posted by razmus on 2018-03-15 20:37:44
There was an unlimited [SL]am offered on a Thursday night... I think the last of Thursday of February. As I recall, it didn't happen, I assume because there weren't enough large teams. (Unlimited, to me, means teams >2000k.)
At the present time, there are only about ten active coaches with teams >2000k in the Secret League Open group. Of those, eight appear to be in the Europe/African time zones, one in the Americas, and one in the Western Pacific. I'll be more than happy to run an unlimited [SL]am if it sounds like four of them want to play. In the meantime, I'll do what little I can to push those little teams to grow. :-)
Posted by razmus on 2018-03-15 20:41:19
But [b]this[/b] blog post is about a [SH]ield tournament for slightly smaller teams. Encourage everyone to sign up! I can't say with authority, but I strongly suspect if there were [u]THIRTY-TWO (32)[/u] coaches to sign up, that koadah would run [u]TWO[/u] [SH]ields. Think of it! Two [SH]ields for the price of one!
Posted by koadah on 2018-03-15 22:30:26
Many of the biggest teams are locked into the Championship and Challenger Swiss events at the moment.
We'll see what we can do after that.