New Grands Prix kick off Thursday 7th August
8 team [L]eague Division KO Tournaments
All [L]eague division teams are invited to take part in the
Open [L]eague challenge - Grands Prix.
The O[L]C Grand Prix is an eight team KO tournament. The winner has the option of demanding an automatic
O[L]C title shot.
Each coach may enter two teams at this time. Only one from each coach will play in each Grand Prix.
The first round deadline will be eleven days giving two weekends. The semi-final and final deadlines will be nine days.
Open (No TV/TW limit)
The Open Grands Prix will allocate the eight lowest TW teams first. We will continue allocating the lowest remaining TW teams until less than eight teams remain.
If a coach enters two teams, teams may be pushed into a higher TW event to avoid having two teams in the same group.
If your team qualifies for a lower TV group but wishes to play at a higher one please inform the tournament staff before the draw.
House Rules
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
3. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
4. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
5. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
6. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.
Sign up now!!!!