Flings & Gobbos never had it so good as in Open League Cup VI.
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
3. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
4. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.
5. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
6. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
Open League Cup is a KO tournament
open to all coaches. There is
no TV limit. Up to
two teams may be entered by each coach.
Open [L]eague Cup
Kick Off Thursday 14th January!
The Cup is open to
any [L]eague division team that the tournament staff considers appropriate. Teams may be excluded for example if they have been built up by playing only a very small number of teams.
If a coach is unfortunate enough to have his/her teams drawn against each other, the coach may choose which team progresses.
The first two rounds will have an 11 day deadline giving two weekends. The later rounds will have a deadline of 9 days.
[L]eague division teams ONLY
Bring your biggest and best!
House Rules
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
3. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
4. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.
5. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
6. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
Sign up HERE!