The season started 1st February and runs until midnight 15th March.
You still have plenty of time to get some points on the board.
There is no schedule. Play as many games as you can/wish before the end of the season.
Results are taken from a team's best 'sprint' of n consecutive games. Different leagues count a different number of games. e.g 6 or 8.
Teams may use Gamefinder to find matches. They may also use a league's discord or Fumbbl discord #lfg.
For coaches new(ish) to blood bowl or looking to improve. NO timeouts!
Also for experienced coaches wishing to offer help, advice, match analysis etc to newcomers. (8 games.) Discord Create a team here!
Sign them up on the "League" page HERE!
A more relaxed, less competitive, less rushed environment. NO timeouts. Secret League teams allowed. (6 games.)
Old & new teams welcome. Teams may come here when their 145 run is ended. Create a team here!
Sign them up on the "Teams" tab HERE!
ALWAYS recruiting!
2020 rules. NO TV limit. Unlimited number of teams. O[L]C teams ONLY!
One team per coach.
O[L]C Lightweight Championship for new (zero games played) Secret League and Official teams.
You get 1100k to build your team. BB2016 skill progression. Endless seasons (with optional re-draft). Mega-stars. Nelphine's star pricing. Kick off when we have 8 teams.
You can also chuck your teams on the O[L]C Gamefinder to build up for the next Welterweight (<=1300TV) Championship.
16 team KO tournament for new (zero games played) Secret League and Official teams. Kick off when we have 16 teams. Sign up here
8 team KO tournaments for experienced Secret League and Official teams.
<= 1000 <= 1300 <= 1600 <= 2000 > 2000 TV Kick off when we have 8 teams in a bracket. Sign up here
The 29th March this year marks my 20 year anniversary on this great site.
I'd like to send a masive, massive thank you so much to Christer and all the Devs, Staff, Helpers, Commishes, Coaches and all who have made this such a great place over the years.
20 years of moaning, grumbling and arguing. League running and script writing. League plugging and occasionally even game playing.
It has been a lot of fun and at times a welcome distraction.