And... STILL O[L]C Heavyweight Champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make my Day

O[L]C - Free For All kicks off on Thursday night!
Six wins will get you to the playoffs for the Grand Championship.
The Free For All Grand Champion earns a crack at the Heavyweight Championship!
Can YOU stop the UnstopaBulls?
Even if you don't make the playoffs build your team for the
Open [L]eague Cup. Kick off October.
Let's get ready to rumble!!!!!
CPR+ Style CPOMB Nerfs -
Open League (No TV/TW limit)
Lightweight League (Max TV/TW 1250)
Open weight League (No TV limit) Kicks Off Thursday 3rd September
O[L]C Free For All is a house ruled Open Round robin League.
The league lasts just over three weeks. It may be played as a stand alone league or as a step on the road to the O[L]C Heavyweight championship.
Play any opponent in your division in any order at any time. Schedule games in advance if you find that easier.
Four leading teams will progress to the play offs to become Grand Champion. The champion may challenge for the O[L]C Heavyweight Championship.
Your best 6 results count. You'll need to play at least 4 games to be considered for the playoffs
Points are awarded as follows:
Win = 4, Draw = 2, Defeat = 1.
The following house rules will be in effect for all O[L]C events until unless otherwise stated.
House Rules.
1. Fouling +1 to armour roll.
2. Claw does not stack with other skills that modify armour rolls.
3. Piling On allows coach to reroll injury only.
4. Right Stuff prevents the Tackle skill when blocked.
5. Sneaky Git functions like Guard on foul assists.
6. Banned sneaky git players are sent to the KO box instead.
Sign up ASAP. Initially
TWO teams are allowed per division.
More may be allowed if there is space.
Sign up HERE!
Open [L]eague Challenge