Meanwhile in Soviet Poilands!!!!
cheesey minmax legends mens arrive for game and spend all game fallings over and then running aways like little girlies mens on brony ponies
clawpomb expoloit pact mens ahve THREE killers vs our ONE killer but they too weak and feeble and ick only on green migrant worker mens like convicts waiting on ship for Boootnany Bays on olden days hahahaha like story you know cobber mate me old fishie. So we cow hit them in face like can of XXXX on tetth and kick in knee and bowly underarm like mr chappels (die in fire mr chappels) and on we go boof boof boof like talky bear on tv yoyoyogogog not average bear man on Amerikans tvs! Silent opposisition mens get angry after while and run away leaving us --- this in 2nd half!!! - - to kick mens on ground but only get KO but still funny as only one mens on pitch at end of game and he crying like baby wallaby in corner of pitch hiding under cuddly balnket. we not chase him bjut just laff, he like Johnny Elales who not very good bloodybopwl man after all.
so we kill one man who what call him selfie LEADER but we think he not as he not lead very much but hide at back so we boot him in bottom and brick to HEAD like happy days! then cow score in last runs for glorious SOVIET VICTORY OVER BAILOUT exile refugees on boat to peaceful islands mens!!!!!
after game we say! wait, dem is humans! what HAHA points we get?
6 BH = 6
1 unapo-ed kill = 10
x2 for win
= 32 points