Posted by DoctorMidnight on 2025-01-23 11:50:40
This is just a great idea!!!!
A "try hard" mode with a single roster is indeed more appealing to me than the BBT format.
The 2025 version of our Christer is in very good shape! :)
Posted by Sp00keh on 2025-01-23 14:13:01
I like the idea
For name: maybe a Shield?
On feedback: theres only 1 or 2 rosters who have a chance of winning this overall, so will be spammed by coaches hoping to get the lucky run of 15-0-0 or 14-1-0
For the individual roster wins, many of them have little chance of getting to 9-6-0 or 12-0-3 or equivalent so will freeze out without completing the run
I’m not sure what to do about these issues
Posted by Sp00keh on 2025-01-23 14:21:10
Every coach has a favourite roster or a few,
The appeal of the BBT as a meta group was to force people to diversify
It successfully did so
It had a downside of skewing team values lower, average games played per team is probably lower because of BBT
But generally it was very healthy for blackbox - because even if you felt it was ruthless sharktank of highly skilled coaches, you might get lucky and face the goblin team they’re playing because it’s in their BBT squad and therefore still have a chance
This new event sounds a bit like the opposite
It sounds like it’s focused on mono activation, playing only 1 roster, and churning new teams of that same roster
And it also sounds like it could push all involved coaches into playing only the very top rosters in short format, which would be detrimental to the box’s current high levels of diversity?
Posted by MattDakka on 2025-01-23 14:43:34
To encourage variety, then just maky it like a perpetual BBT, with squads made by 4 teams of different races. You can keep the teams, without making a new one after 15 games.
So, you make a squad, you play the teams for 15 games, then, if you want, you make another squad with the same teams or adding new teams (using the BBT tier points calculation).
Posted by CrisisChris on 2025-01-23 14:53:49
I like everything about this. Even if I never thought that there is another metagroup missing. Single roster, the ability to try with a 2nd team of the same roster after your first one got frozen... all sounds very promissing.
But I also have the feeling that there are only a few rosters that have a propper chance to fight for the win here. There is still the fact you can fight for the roster lead, but I do not know if that is enough for people to play lower tier rosters.
Since I do not have any idea how to minimize this effect or how to try and consider good or bad luck during a box draw, I would say:
Thank you Christer for another feature on Fumbbl!
Let us try it and see how it is working.
Posted by BeanBelly on 2025-01-23 22:32:39
Good idea, sounds fun. Here's a name 'Box Stars' come on folks what you got?
I love the idea of Minor win for individual roster lead.
I'm less keen on the Major win for best overall team; SpOOkeh articulated this well.
Posted by koadah on 2025-01-24 00:47:02
Is this another new teams only thing? Or are old teams enrolled on their first game of the season?
Posted by DoctorMidnight on 2025-01-24 00:55:06
- "King of the Hill"?
- "Roster Masters"?
- "Black Box Elite Series"?
or the Box Elite Series trophy, aka "the B.E.S.T"?
- "the Mono-Activator Cup" ?
- "Nuffle's Cup"?
- "One Box, One Roster"?
Posted by Habeli on 2025-01-24 05:59:31
Maybe it could be called
-Winners in/of (Black) Box "WIB" / "WIBB" / "WOB" / "WOBB"
-BB Win Parade
Good addition on the metagames Christer.
I hope Sp00keh's scenario on the try-hard-shark-tank-mono-play won't happen and ruin BBox
Posted by ArrestedDevelopment on 2025-01-24 10:21:43
BBox Ensō
Box Monad
Both simply as expressions of singularity/monoism, and potentially with aspects of "rule" - especially monad. However I like Ensō as it also has the implicit of being created from one action (or one run) and once it is completed it is unchanged (or frozen)!
Posted by Dynamix on 2025-01-24 19:47:41
Agree with Sp00keh
The positive effect BBT has in encouraging lower tier teams to be played in Box could be nullified or diluted by this and could swing things the other way
What do I know , new Comp could be a good thing
Posted by JanekT on 2025-01-24 21:19:50
It's a shame the Steel Gauntlet already exists, as that would be a very apt name.
Blackbox March?
Trail of Blood?
Ooh, ooh:
Iron Crucible!
Posted by Nightbird on 2025-01-25 04:57:51
Will these teams in this new competition be able to be paired vs BBT teams?
Posted by Garion on 2025-01-25 10:33:37
@nightbird yes
Posted by DoctorMidnight on 2025-01-28 18:25:41
Am I the only coach to have long-retired teams sitting in the Iron Dwarf ranking?