So after a last training game Never Bite on the First Date are ready to kick ass, and they are gonna take a break until the approaching Stunty Major.
With three good Crypt Ghouls, a brilliant ball carrier and hail Mary passer, some diving tackler and the probably best big guy in Stunty I hope they can make a good impression in the tourney, and run for victory.
Speaking of the evil plan, I decided to assign a special mission to other teams of mine, especially Stunty Gods and Outerspace Bedlam FC. They will play only to kill other teams best players, paving the way for the Strigs until the Major Starts. One first task was accomplished yesterday, when good Doktor Bodycrunch managed to put this nasty beast on eternal sleep:
So, mates, you are warned: since now it will be all about saws, bombs, pile ons and gangfouls, the legacy of the teams has been welded and every single little one will fight to get rid of the best players around. See ya on the pitch.
But be careful.