Well the Death Tour is over. In 10 of the most bloody games of this burning Stunty Summer nobody has been able to kill or permanently injury Chief Sommelier Vlad or one of the three Counts. The only one who had a bad time has been good ol' Hypocaloric Hank, best thrall in the Leeg, crippled but still kickin'.
For a while I've been thinking nobody could have done better than Motskari, but then xnoelx's Stick the Moot in achieved the greatest amount of points in game #9 and...
xnoelx is a crypt ghoul now
He won the prize, delivered by the sharp fangs of the Sommelier in person: the evil Strig Lord bit him on the neck, then dragged him into a cold dark crypt and there xnoelx stood for 6 days and six nights, until he came out turned in a horrific thing half-human, half-beast and half-beard. Now he lives a double life: in the day he coaches many good teams, but at night he turns into a monster, and plays with Never Bite on the First Date.
He is gonna join the team after the next game, and I really hope he'll have a good career and rolls some doubles, we need a ball carrier.
The Tour will start again one day. For now, see ya. And stay Stunty.