It had to happen,sooner or later. Lately
Zogho was calling pows on him like a magnet calls the metal. His niggling, that happened just few games ago, was the worse of omens. He was doomed and he knew it, lately he had grown even more silent and lonely than the usual, confined in his restroom for most of the times, unwilling to share his dark thoughts with his team mates. Yet on the pitch he was still reckless, a player able to decide a game with only his own skills, even more impressive because he never rolled doubles or stats increases. He wasn't a freak, he was just a normal player who had the luck and the blessing to become the greatest legend in FUMBBL's Chaos Pact history.
I blame myself for his death. I always left him uncovered, threw him in any kind of impossible blitz or lonely touch down rush, confident that his good star would have saved him again, but today his run has ended. The last lucky pow by some unidentified Slann lineman resulted into a -AV, and the apothecary delivered the fatal blow on him. I decided to give him what he deserved: an honorable death on the pitch instead than few more games as a cripple, he was too good for that. The Sawdust Saints were just preparing for next m,ajor, now they'll have to rearrange. We have 3 blodger guys who can serve as ball carriers, I don't think I will replace Zogho with another dark elf anytime soon. This is life, and this is death, and they are part of Blood Bowl. Let's raise a toast to a great player, and may the Saints honor his memory in the games to come.
229 games played
175 touch downs
682 SPP
Top Chaos Pact star of all times
Top Chaos Pact scorer of all times
Oldest Chaos Pact player of all times
Highest Chaos Pact rusher of all times