Well sorry if I am posting lotta blogs these days but there's a lot of stuff going on with my teams. Sad stuff, to be more precise.
This is the true report of what happened today:
It was not a game, it was a massacre
against Tyhmän niminen joukkue, they had 5 killer vamps and N.D.B.F.B. suffered a serious amount of damage.
First half, the tragedy: one of their vampires blitzed our oldest legend
Ginger Creep, smashed her hip. Apo rushed on the pitch with pale face, knelt over her with sweaty hands, started fumbling with his medical bag. The guy was in extreme panic, he knew all the eyes were on him and all the stadium was holding its breath.
"Cure her!" someone shouted. The medic closed his eyes and started to work on Ginger's hip.
After half an hour he gave up.
"It is too badly broken" he said in a whisper. "Can't fix it. I... I am so sorry. Let's just hope it will regenerate."
There was a moment of absolute stillness in the stadium. Thousands of eyes were staring at Ginger. Motionless, she smiled at a thrall next to her and shook her head. Her beautiful ginger hair fell over her eyes, hiding one single tear.
"It won't regenerate I am afraid" she was still smiling. "I am so tired. I suppose this is the end. I just want to rest."
There was a sound, then. The sound of a huge, gigantic multitude of mouths sobbing, the sound you can only hear when a legend's star has ceased to shine. It was
Count O'Driscoll that took Ginger in his arms and walked her out of the pitch for the last time, and he saw that she was holding a fistful of green grass in her hand, just to remember that smell that she was not going to smell again. Before they were out a spontaneous, powerful ovation raised from all the spectators, and Ginger lifted a arm and saluted all her fans. She was the last one of the first generation of N.D.B.F.B., the only one still in activity who remembered the times of the Midnight Mayhem Tour, when
Doctor Fangs was still the captain of the team.
The game resulted in a draw, but nobody was really interested. Today Ginger's career is over. Rumors say she will stay in the team's business as Public Relation Manager, contacting sponsors and TV channels in order to earn some more money, but this is for the future.
For today, we just salute her.
Thanks a lot, Old Lady.
167 games played
136 casualties inflicted
399 SPP
#1 vampire with most blocks of all times in Ranked
#5 top vampire blocker of all times in Ranked
#5 oldest vampire player of all times in Ranked
#8 top vampire star of all times in Ranked
#13 most valuable vampire player of all times in Ranked