Posted by drunkagent on 2015-05-29 13:00:14
Sounds like you had the bash advantage in all three match ups you offered.
Posted by Crook666 on 2015-05-29 13:02:40
Human team had 5 Mighty blows and 4 tackle
my Nurgle have no Clawpomb and 4 Mighty Blow, Orc team had 6 Mighty Blow and 4 Piling On
High Elf team had 2 +ST
Posted by LucaAnt on 2015-05-29 13:10:21
But i might pick u with my flings vs dorfs!
Academy Awards 2016, TO ME!
Posted by mekutata on 2015-05-29 13:15:33
it actually is not easy not to pick or being picked when the whole system is build on picking and dwarfs are dwarfs
Posted by drunkagent on 2015-05-29 13:22:18
Fair enough mate.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-05-29 13:56:43
You offered claw vs av9, mb tackle vs elves and st5 mb regen vs a team that can neither block nor dodge.. none of these matches seem like a good idea to take.
Not any better than Vamps vs Orcs that is.
Posted by MattDakka on 2015-05-29 14:03:09
Just play in Box.
Posted by Crook666 on 2015-05-29 14:05:59
All the matchups were fair.
Humans are faster and more agile than Undead and that team had more bashing power than mine.
Elves can easily dodge away from Chaos Pact and win, and he had 2 +ST guys
I have 3 Claws in my Nurgle team he got 6 Mighty Blows and 4 Piling On in his Orc's. that makes the bashing power more than even.
You look for a way to justify pickers, but you got no point here.
Posted by koadah on 2015-05-29 15:21:31
Ranked is for playing the match that you want to play.
If people don't want to play your teams they don't have to.
If they don't want to play you they don't have to.
If they did they'd probably whine the whole time anyway. ;)
Posted by sonrises on 2015-05-29 16:07:32
Play Tournaments!
No cherry picking guaranteed!
Fancy a low Tv game...RRR and Smacks...and occasionally Box/ranked minors.
Midlle TV? Smacks and the occasional Box/ranked minor.
you don't care about TV? you will throw a rookie halfling team anyway? BRAWLS
Wait! do you just play some particular races? XFL!
no? Bloated teams then? MAJORS, Legend smacks, occasional Box/ranked minors, XFL...
MMMM, nice menu!
Posted by Patator on 2015-05-29 16:13:42
I don't think crook666 problem wath bash vs non bash, but fair vs unfair (in term of wining potentia)l, cherry picking that is, in my opinion, only accept games you think you'll win.
And i agree the last propose is... a good laugh. :D
Yeah the ranked is for playing the match you want to play. But if the game you want to play is the game you'll win, well... don't play a 2 players game :D
Posted by koadah on 2015-05-29 17:44:08
Higher TV does not guarantee a win. It could look to some that Crook was challenging softer teams with his bashier teams.
We do have the Box you know. ;)
Posted by akaRenton on 2015-05-29 19:05:53
Can't step in a puddle and complain your feet got wet. Ranked is for people who like to choose who they play. Whatever reason they do it for doesn't matter really.
For me it's about choosing who will be fun to play. If I look at a coach bio and all it mentions is their highest CR rating or similar, we're probably not both going to get something out of it.
Some pick for easy wins, some pick for similar reasons to me, some just hate playing against certain races, and some have RL occur and have to wander off to deal with it. Some are just a bit meowmix though :D
Posted by pubstar on 2015-05-29 19:54:25
If you want to avoid pickers, play box.
If you want to control who you play against, you're a picker too.
I don't see how this discussion ever deviates from these two conclusions.
Ranked is great, but acting like you're the only 'honorable' ranked player among the sea of pickers is obnoxious.
Posted by Wizfall on 2015-05-29 20:07:00
Without checking further it seems, while balanced, you had a slight edge in the match-up you propose.
Maybe it kind of upset your opponent who then challenged your vamps.
Time to go back in the Box maybe until you cool of and decide R is in the end a safer place :p
Posted by frogboy on 2015-05-29 20:28:35
Option 3 everytime :)
The only thing that used to annoy me about Ranked was it took so long to find a game. BBOX for the same reason when you got odd numbers or whatever. I think there should be a new league. Turbo League, you get paired off with the next team who joins regardless. Ok it could be called something better, but good for when you need Blood Bowl NOW
Posted by pythrr on 2015-05-29 20:46:21
monkey balls for everyone!
Posted by mrt1212 on 2015-05-29 21:22:11
Frogboy, that's called 'sit n go' in the poker world.
Posted by PurpleChest on 2015-05-30 00:40:31
Oh noes my cherries didnt want to be eaten. i had assumed this blog was about you being less picky in June. Shame it isnt.
Posted by Wreckage on 2015-05-30 01:43:35
When I try to get someone to take my ranked teams, I go with a single simple rule. Avoid offering teams with too many bash skills on them.
When I try to get games I only look for one thing on my opponents teams. The number of MB minus the big guys.
On top of being the one who offers the jerk teams you then also have a slight winning advantage. If you bring the bash at the very least make it a good deal.
Making a blog whining how your bash teams don't get games vs agile teams is more like a joke. But for it to be really funny it should be maybe with you offering more CPOMB and somebody offering you some unfair 1750 vs 1750 humans in the end where you have Dodge and he has Tackle.
This way its just kinda lame.
Posted by Rat_Salat on 2015-05-31 03:10:35
Stop taking overpowered skills like piling on in an environment that lets your opponents decide if your team is a fair fight?