Posted by Garion on 2013-10-30 17:16:42
there are at least 2 women on this site I know of. They probably just don't get involved in the forums or blogs like the majority of the site really. Just play their games and go.
Also the fact you think if there are female coaches they would just openly invite people round to sleep with them is probably why they stay quiet :)
p.s. it looks to me like you've been watching too much porn recently ;)
Posted by Crook666 on 2013-10-30 17:23:44
post is ironic
just to have a laugh :)
Posted by ThePeoplesChamp on 2013-10-30 17:31:56
are YOU the female coach in the above convo?
Posted by Sp00keh on 2013-10-30 17:41:52
How many female coaches are there in real life football? (soccer, and American football)
Posted by FredAstaire on 2013-10-30 17:45:52
<Female Coach> I got diced here
<Male Coach> Yeah, I'm sorry
<FC> You also killed my legend
<MC> I didn't meant to do that. If you'd live in my town I'd play you at Tabletop.
<FC> But I DO live next to you, I checked on your profile. Only 30 minutes by car. I've got nothing to do tonight, my friends are busy, I am single and I feel a bit alone, really could use a night playing tabletop bloodbowl.
<At that point you're already in your car, driving 20 kilometers per hour under the legal speed limit, one hand on the steering wheel, brushing some last minute models with the other one, the theme song from Sonic X on the stereo, pockets packed with dice, a 12 sided die on the passenger's seat in case Gary Gygax tried to put itself between you and your game of tabletop bloodbowl>
There, I fixed that for you
Posted by Beerox on 2013-10-30 17:48:45
* knock knock
* door opens
Hello, I Candy. I'm here to troubleshoot your Java installation. This is my co-worker in training, Starr.
Come on in, ladies. The computer is over there. Would you like a glass of water?
Yes. It is so very hot in here!
Posted by SerenadeOfSorrow on 2013-10-30 18:02:25
This blogs brilliant i laughed from start to finish and FredAstaire i am loving your revamp lol gj guys keep this site fun
Posted by Garion on 2013-10-30 18:04:47
quote - 'post is ironic
just to have a laugh :)'
I know, hence the porn comment ;)
Posted by MattDakka on 2013-10-30 18:05:02
Why a d12?
To fight Gary Gygax you need a d20.
Posted by Cavetroll on 2013-10-30 18:10:07
Missing your girlfriend?
Posted by SpacemanJames on 2013-10-30 18:13:31
Chainsaw will be female soon when he gets his operation date.... hope this helps.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-10-30 18:34:52
Indeed, SpacemanJames won't marry me unless I get snipped.
Thanks for sharing, honey.
Posted by Badoek on 2013-10-30 19:08:36
n1 Crook, rated 6.
-1 to Fumbbl for rating this so badly!
And then fluff uh.... most girls aren't really into strategy games? And if I were a girl I'd probably try to keep that fact very well hidden. All those desperate nerds... you never know which one lives too close to avoid.
Posted by xnoelx on 2013-10-30 19:33:52
There was a coach I thought was female, once. But it just turned out to be a dude who was into cosplay...
Maybe all the female coaches are offended by the client referring to every player as 'he', even when you set their gender to female?
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2013-10-30 19:58:53
So many of the women on the internet are actually dudes cybercrossdressing... pursue with caution (unless you are into that sort of thing).
Posted by Elliott_the_Lame on 2013-10-30 20:52:35
Some coaches here whine enough as is about a loss; could you imagine the amount of whining that would be done by these coaches if they lost to a girl?
Posted by Nickpcr on 2013-10-30 21:20:03
My girlfriend would love Blood Bowl and be awesome at it, but then she wouldn't have time to do all the washing up and iron my shirts so I keep it secret.
This is a joke, obviously. My girlfriend is rubbish at ironing.
Posted by DeZigma on 2013-10-30 22:08:32
Well Crook is an Italian! Ride to fast ...
But Crook beware, if you ride there ... and she was diced ... you shouldn't wonder if the door opens and a ClawPOMB happens!!!
or imagine a t16 foul ... ouch ... this wouldn't be only pixlkilling ...
afterward you would play a bit stunty!
Posted by Arktoris on 2013-10-31 06:49:18
the game is cruel and there are no happy endings for any of the players on the team. that's not the kind of fantasy world chicks dig.
Posted by PaddyMick on 2013-10-31 11:30:49
Try spamming mumsnet with fumbbl links. Eg: 'hey mums! stuck at home all day? just done your last money on foxy bingo? fumbbl is a free way to have fun and pass the time! Do you like blood, beards and big guys? this is the place for you...etc'
Posted by BillBrasky on 2013-10-31 13:36:47
Well this was funny.
But in the past there were a few females. I think most of which were girlfriends of other coaches.
My favorite was World_Wide_Wamp. She was living with another coach. She held good banter, even though English was a 2nd or 3rd language to her.
Mikafreak, later renamed to Angie was a diligent admin who took no nonsense.
The others that come to mind, may or may not have really been females, so I won't mention them here...
Posted by uuni on 2013-10-31 19:20:30
The sexist part is true. There is a lot of machoism on the site. Even if it is better than some gaming site, there still is.
There is some bullying on the site, even though the rules and admins try to curb some of it.
There are some reasons, why many local pubs have mostly men as clientele, at least around here.
Posted by vaclav on 2013-10-31 20:00:59
Thats a way to end with a two meter guy in a betman sute.
Posted by DeZigma on 2013-10-31 21:53:34
Wow, vaclav. Now i know why it's called Open Round Robin!